
Health Risks of Climate on Aging Adults

A series of research articles collectively outline several risks that climate change poses for aging well.

Common Risks include:

  • Risk of worsening Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
  • Decrease in disaster preparedness
  • Increased vulnerability to extreme heat and rising temperatures
  • limited support systems
  • Increased risk of water-borne diseases

Learn more with additional articles below.

Underestimated climate risks from population ageing

Aging Population To Be Major Driver of Future Climate-related Deaths

Studying the impact of climate change on older adult health and well-being

Climate Change and Older Adults: Planning Ahead to Protect Your Health

Climate Change and the Health of Older Adults

Climate Change Threatens the Health of Aging Adults, Researchers Say

Webinar Series: Gardening for Conservation

Are you passionate about preserving our planet’s natural beauty and biodiversity? Curious about how you can make a difference right from your own backyard?

We’re thrilled to announce our Gardening for Conservation webinar series, brought to you by The Nature Conservancy and Ohio State University Extension. Learn how to create wildlife-friendly habitats, manage invasive species and promote sustainable practices right in your own green space while engaging with experts who will share their insights on practical conservation strategies tailored for your local environment.

All events held on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 6:00 to 7:15 pm ET.

Wednesday, April 24th

Homegrown Conservation: Gardening for Bees, Butterflies and Birds

Wednesday, May 22nd

An Update on Ticks for 2024

Wednesday, June 26th

Growing Your Own Food for Conservation

Wednesday, July 24th

Rooting Out Trouble: Managing Invasive Plants in Your Landscape

Wednesday, August 28th

The Good, The Bad and the Hungry: Dealing with Wildlife in the Garden

Wednesday, September 25th

Everyone Loves Free (plant) Food!

Donate # 6 Plastics Today!

We have broken ground in Earth Day Park! This park is located on the medical campus on 8th Ave (near Michigan Ave) behind 9th Ave East Garage and next to 9th Ave Garage West.

The Green Team Employee Resource Group (ERG) has been working to develop this plot of land for over 2 years to create a peaceful oasis for the both the Ohio State community and the neighborhood that we border. In May 2023, the Green Team ERG celebrated a ribbon cutting ceremony with the promise to plant at least 1 native pollinator garden in the space.

In addition to multiple pollinator gardens, the park will have an ADA accessible sidewalk, a sensory garden and 2 benches.

The benches will be made by local company Marble Plastics using 100% recycled plastic! That’s where YOU come in!

The benches need #6 plastic (no styrofoam). These are RIGID plastics as seen in the picture. Items made from rigid plastic #6 include disposable plastic cups, lids for paper coffee cups, CD and DVD cases, clothes hangers and plastic utensils.

Drop off any #6 plastics at any Green Team Earth Day event happening this month.

Earth Month with the Green Team

Earth Day, a nationally recognized day that seeks to inspire and garner appreciation for the environment, is on Monday, April 22. This year, the Green Team Employee Resource Group is hosting some virtual and in-person events in honor of Earth Day.

Join us in celebrating Earth Day this month by participating in these activities throughout The Ohio State University during Earth Week 2024 and throughout the month of April…

Available to all:

  • April 5: Register for a lunch hour webinar (noon-1 p.m.) with Dr. Vidya Raman to learn about how the medical center is Greening the Operating Room.
  • April 10: Register here for a lunch hour webinar (noon-1 p.m.) with medical students Shuchi Sharma and Ankit Annapareddy to learn more about the Planetary Health Report Card.
  • April 22-26: Join the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to run the Run for the Trees Happy Little 5K!

For Ohio State employees:

  • Fill out the Green Team survey and be entered to win a prize!
  • April 1-30: Join the medical center team on the One Healthcare EcoChallenge. We have been invited by Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic and Peace Health to participate in a new EcoChallenge designed just for health care employees – the One Healthcare EcoChallenge. During this monthlong challenge during April, health care organizations will come together to support our caregivers in taking actions that promote individual, community and environmental health. By signing up for this free challenge, you can select which actions you want to take during the challenge in the following categories: at work, at home, in our communities, health & well-being and for one health care. You can sign up for up to 6 actions, or just do 1!
  • April 22-27: Pick up a free tree sapling or native plant at multiple locations listed below. This giveaway does not require a reservation, and all events will be first come, first served. See the plants available.
    • April 22: EPN evening event – learn more and register here.
    • April 23: 6:30 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Herrick Transit Hub or the south side of the 4-H Center parking lot
    • April 24: 1-4 p.m. at the Earth Day Fair in 115 BRT
    • April 25: 6:30 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Herrick Transit Hub or the south side of the 4-H Center parking lot
    • April 26: 6:30-9 a.m. and noon-5 p.m. at the south side of the 4-H Center parking lot
    • April 27: 8-11 a.m. at the south side of the 4-H Center parking lot
  • April 24: Earth Day Faifrom 1-4 p.m. at BRT 115. Learn more about local sustainability efforts, earn prizes and meet vendors like Green Columbus, GreenSpot, GreenScope Consulting, Shaw, Stryker Sustainable Solutions, Medline, the Sustainability Institute, a cooking demonstration by SpiceBush and so much more!
  • April 26 from 6:30 a.m.- 9 a.m. and noon-5 p.m. and April 27 from 8-11 a.m.: Ohio State Employee Recycling day at the south side of the 4-H Center parking lot. Bring your confidential documents for shredding and old electronics, batteries, tennis shoes, #6 plastics (clean/rinsed Solo cups, coffee lids, old CD cases) and eyeglasses for recycling!

We hope you’ll join us for these events and help us celebrate Earth Week. If you’re interested in making a difference in our environment and receiving updates, sign up to be part of the Green Team. For questions, reach out to

Don’t be a Fool! Join the Green Team for the EcoChallenge

This is no April Fool’s joke! In celebration of Earth Day April 22nd, the Green Team ERG will be hosting a variety events all month including webinars, plant giveaways, and a cooking demo.

 Find the list of events here

To kick off the month, we invite you to participate in the events below!

Fill out the Green Team survey and be entered to win a prize!

April 1-30: Join the medical center team on the One Healthcare EcoChallenge. We have been invited by Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic and Peace Health to participate in a new EcoChallenge designed just for health care employees – the One Healthcare EcoChallenge. During this month-long challenge during April, health care organizations will come together to support our caregivers in taking actions that promote individual, community and environmental health. By signing up for this free challenge, you can select which actions you want to take during the challenge in the following categories: at work, at home, in our communities, health & well-being and for one health care. You can sign up for up to 6 actions, or just do 1!

Earth Month Webinar: Reviewing the Planetary Health Report Card Results

In celebration of Earth Day April 22nd, the Green Team ERG will be hosting a variety events all month including webinars, plant giveaways, and a recycling event. Become a member via this link to receive our newsletter with more details.

This time we are Reviewing the Planetary Health Report Card Results with Shuchi Sharma and Ankit Annapareddy on April 10th, 12-1pm.

The student organization, Sustainability in Medicine, at the Ohio State University College of Medicine, has completed the Planetary Health Report Card for the third year in a row.

This is part of a national effort to analyze the sustainability education and change efforts at health professional schools across the world. Our overall grade has decreased from 67% to 59% this year but our curriculum grade, supported significantly by student efforts, remains stable at 61%.

During this presentation, we will share:

  • Our process
  • More detailed findings
  • Recommendations to continue an upward trajectory

Shuchi Sharma is a rising fourth-year medical student who has participated in Sustainability in Medicine since her first year. She is passionate about increasing awareness about the importance of sustainable practices in and outside medicine. She hopes to continue her work as a resident in general surgery and beyond.

Ankit Annapareddy is a first-year medical student at The Ohio State University. Before joining medical school, he was involved in sustainability efforts in the Columbus area. He is interested in the intersection of community health and sustainability and hopes to continue his efforts there in the future.

Register for the webinar here.

Can’t make the webinar? A recording with be sent out to registrants.

Not part of the Green Team yet? You can join here:

Clean Up America with ACC at The Ohio State University

The American Conservation Coalition (ACC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to mobilizing young people around environmental action through common-sense, pro-innovation, and limited-government principles. nonprofit organization dedicated to mobilizing young people around environmental action through common-sense, pro-innovation, and limited-government principles.

The ACC has branches all across the country including a branch at The Ohio State University! About ACC at OSU: Our branch strives to make Climate Change a topic that all feel welcome to converse upon by broadening the scope of who is generally involved in those conversations. Particularly we do this by changing the narrative on climate change through our large community events and our extensive community collaborations. This allows us to garner the attention needed as well as the means necessary to change the narrative around climate change in the Columbus community.

On April 21 ACC OSU and ACC Hoosiers are organizing a branch showdown to clean up America!

About the Challenge: On the first day of Earth Week (April 21st), join us for a three-hour action blitz as ACC Branches and individuals across the nation rally together to make a tangible impact in their communities. Participants will engage in clean-up activities to remove litter and waste from parks, streets, waterways, and anywhere our communities have been polluted!

Competition Details: Clean Up America is not just about participation—it’s about making a difference for our homes. Teams or individuals will track their progress by dividing the number of attendees by the number of full 13-gallon trash bags collected during the event. At the end of the competition, we will have a winning team and a winning individual! The winning team and individual will be determined based on this ratio and announced at the completion of the challenge (after April 21st).

How to Get Involved: Ready to join the Branch Showdown? Gather your friends, family, and fellow conservationists to register to Clean Up America today! Let’s show the power of our united movement.

Register Here!

Learn more about the ACC at The Ohio State University by listening to this podcast!

Register for CleanMed Webinar Series

CleanMed is the premier conference on environmental sustainability in the health care sector. In prepapration for their annual conference in Salt Lake City in May, CleanMed is offering FREE webinars on the topic of sustainability in healthcare.

Reducing food waste to feed your community & save money

April 25, 2024; 3 p.m. EST Register Here

Food should feed people, not landfills. Food waste not only contributes to climate change, but is a missed opportunity for addressing food insecurity in our communities.

Learn from Practice Greenhealth partners about the creative and comprehensive approaches they have used to reduce wasted food, and how doing so has saved money, reduced their climate impact, and supported hunger relief in their communities.

The value of clinical leadership & governance structure in advancing sustainability

May 2, 2024; 3 p.m. EST Register Here

Clinical care is a driving factor of health care emissions and pollution. As the largest percentage of a hospital’s workforce, it is critical to engage, educate, and empower clinicians to lead change. Health care organizations gain many benefits from positioning a health professional in a leadership role within their sustainability governance structure.

In this session, hear about Ascension’s Clinical Work Group within their Environmental Impact and Sustainability program, which harnesses organizational decision-making pathways toward decreasing the environmental impact of clinical care.

Learn about the inclusion of health professional leadership within Ascension’s governance structure and processes and programming for clinical sustainability initiatives including desflurane elimination, improving regulated medical waste segregation, and educating clinicians about conserving resources.

It’s Farmworker Awareness Week!

OSU Libraries has recently put together a U.S. Farmworker Awareness Library Guide to provide insight on this important topic.

This guide hosts a list of books, web resources, and videos which may be of use in understanding the history of farmworkers in the U.S.

National Farmworker Awareness Week usually takes place the last week of March and honors the contributions of farm laborers while promoting awareness of the difficulties farmworkers face. This annual week of recognition began in 1998 – founded by a nonprofit organization called Student Action with Farmworkers (SAF).

Special Thanks to Alpha Psi Lambda who recently shed light on this topic with a recent event: Rooted Resilience: Exploring Latinx Studies & Farm Worker Advocacy Movements.

Additionally thank you to University Librarian Leticia Wiggins for sharing this information and providing resources!

Yard Waste Tips for Spring

Spring Cleaning means sprucing up those yards for the warmer months. Fortunately, the Green Team ERG is here to help provide tips and resources on Yard Waste.

1. Curbside Pick-up

Most Columbus addresses have yard waste curbside pickup. This is probably the most convenient form of disposal. Use the Collection Day Lookup to see if and when your address is eligible for curbside yard waste pickup.

The City of Columbus also provides information on yard waste collection such as what is accepted, what is not accepted and how to prepare your yard waste for collection.

Be sure to avoid plastic bags, food waste, rocks and dirt.

2. Yard Waste Drop-Off

Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) subsidizes the cost for Franklin County residents to be able to drop off their yard waste materials for FREE at processors who turn yard waste materials into compost and mulch. Visit for a list of those drop-off locations as well as a list of the materials accepted and hours of operations.

3. Food Waste and Compost

Only stems, roots and leaves can be collected for the above mentioned collections, so what to do if you have food waste such as fallen fruit? The most sustainable solution is to compost. Compost bins can also include many particles that are also seen in yard waste such as leaves, grass clippings, and sticks.

Want to learn more or become more active in Sustainability? Check out OSUMC’s Green Team ERG.

Or sign up to be a member!