Fireworks Should Leave Memories, Not Trash

UPDATE: Cleanup Opportunity at Mock Park on July 5.

It is not uncommon to find streets and beaches littered with the remnants of fireworks after the holiday. Pieces of plastic, paper, and cardboard that are not properly disposed of, can easily make their way to the beaches and the ocean to become marine debris.

There are a number of activities we can all partake in to keep our beaches free of firework debris. Here are just a few:

  • If you launch it, pick it up. Cleaning up after ourselves and ensuring we properly dispose of our own fireworks trash is the very first step in addressing this issue.
  • Join in on a post-Fourth of July cleanup. Check with your local communities to find out how they take care of post-holiday cleanup and how you can be involved.
  • Spread the word. As the holiday approaches, talk to your friends and neighbors about the potential for firework debris to turn into marine debris.
  • Celebrate safely. Visit the Consumer Product Safety Commission website to learn how to properly and safely handle and dispose of used fireworks. More on Firework safety.

By celebrating the Fourth of July and enjoying fireworks responsibly, we can honor our country through protecting our beloved coastal environments, and the marine animals who rely on these habitats.

Also see:

Central Ohio – Disposing Hazardous Waste

Keep Hilliard Beautiful

Keep Columbus Beautiful

Delaware County Litter Prevention

Keep Ohio Beautiful

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