Earth Month with the Green Team

Earth Day, a nationally recognized day that seeks to inspire and garner appreciation for the environment, is on Monday, April 22. This year, the Green Team Employee Resource Group is hosting some virtual and in-person events in honor of Earth Day.

Join us in celebrating Earth Day this month by participating in these activities throughout The Ohio State University during Earth Week 2024 and throughout the month of April…

Available to all:

  • April 5: Register for a lunch hour webinar (noon-1 p.m.) with Dr. Vidya Raman to learn about how the medical center is Greening the Operating Room.
  • April 10: Register here for a lunch hour webinar (noon-1 p.m.) with medical students Shuchi Sharma and Ankit Annapareddy to learn more about the Planetary Health Report Card.
  • April 22-26: Join the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to run the Run for the Trees Happy Little 5K!

For Ohio State employees:

  • Fill out the Green Team survey and be entered to win a prize!
  • April 1-30: Join the medical center team on the One Healthcare EcoChallenge. We have been invited by Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic and Peace Health to participate in a new EcoChallenge designed just for health care employees – the One Healthcare EcoChallenge. During this monthlong challenge during April, health care organizations will come together to support our caregivers in taking actions that promote individual, community and environmental health. By signing up for this free challenge, you can select which actions you want to take during the challenge in the following categories: at work, at home, in our communities, health & well-being and for one health care. You can sign up for up to 6 actions, or just do 1!
  • April 22-27: Pick up a free tree sapling or native plant at multiple locations listed below. This giveaway does not require a reservation, and all events will be first come, first served. See the plants available.
    • April 22: EPN evening event – learn more and register here.
    • April 23: 6:30 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Herrick Transit Hub or the south side of the 4-H Center parking lot
    • April 24: 1-4 p.m. at the Earth Day Fair in 115 BRT
    • April 25: 6:30 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Herrick Transit Hub or the south side of the 4-H Center parking lot
    • April 26: 6:30-9 a.m. and noon-5 p.m. at the south side of the 4-H Center parking lot
    • April 27: 8-11 a.m. at the south side of the 4-H Center parking lot
  • April 24: Earth Day Faifrom 1-4 p.m. at BRT 115. Learn more about local sustainability efforts, earn prizes and meet vendors like Green Columbus, GreenSpot, GreenScope Consulting, Shaw, Stryker Sustainable Solutions, Medline, the Sustainability Institute, a cooking demonstration by SpiceBush and so much more!
  • April 26 from 6:30 a.m.- 9 a.m. and noon-5 p.m. and April 27 from 8-11 a.m.: Ohio State Employee Recycling day at the south side of the 4-H Center parking lot. Bring your confidential documents for shredding and old electronics, batteries, tennis shoes, #6 plastics (clean/rinsed Solo cups, coffee lids, old CD cases) and eyeglasses for recycling!

We hope you’ll join us for these events and help us celebrate Earth Week. If you’re interested in making a difference in our environment and receiving updates, sign up to be part of the Green Team. For questions, reach out to

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