
Summary of Class

Three Key Takeaways from ESLTECH 2011

Takeaway One: I learned that study scheduler is a great app.

Study scheduler is an app that you can set your weekly study schedule and it will send you notifications to make sure you are keeping up on your studies. I enjoyed this app because it  held me accountable for studying. Sometimes I would forget I planned to study and I would get a notification to study and I would do so. Planning your week and blocking out time has improved my study habits and made me not cram studying in the night before an exam. I learned that study little bits of time over a longer period of time is better then a lot of studying in a short period of time.

Heres’s a link to download the app: (control copy then paste to your browser)

Takeaway Two: I learned to set SMART goals.

I have always had goals for myself, but they have always been long term goals. With this class we set SMART goals and then created a study scheduler that would allow us to meet that goal which I liked. I started to start SMART goals for a day or for a week and it helped motivate me to get them finished. No matter how simple the goal was I would write it down in my notes so I could refer back to it and know that I completed it. Setting SMART short term goals help me stay positive and motivated.

Here’s a link to better understand what SMART goals are: Chastain, A. (2012, May). SMART goals help you achieve success. Retrieved from

Takeaway Three: I learned how to better collaborate with groups when online.

Group projects to me are never my ideal assignment in school because I like to work on my own and not have to rely on someone else to pull their weight. After reading and learning on how to create a better team I feel like in the future group assignments won’t be as challenging to me. I have yet to use any of the steps because I haven’t had a group project since I learned about this concept, but I plan on using the information to better the group.

Here’s a link to an article that better explains the concept: Lisk P., & Quartuccio, K. (2010). Managing Group Assignments in the Online Learning Environment. In Brosche, Theresa A. M. (Ed.), Successful Online Learning: Managing the Online Learning Environment Efficiently and Effectively (pp. 127-142). Jones & Bartlett Learning.