Year in Review


It’s hard to believe that in a few weeks, I will be a junior in college. At the beginning of freshman year, I felt a little lost and overwhelmed by everything – this huge university, being away from home, and so many new people. Now though, I feel like I’ve found my circle, so to speak. I live with two girls that I met through Health Sciences Scholars, and because of the clubs I am involved in I feel like the university is much smaller. However, I am reminded of its size every time I walk across the Oval or go to a football game. I see people that I know all the time around campus, and I feel at home as I walk to and from class. My first two years have been great, and I feel like I have utilized so many different opportunities through being a Health Sciences Scholar. I’ve had dinner with important faculty, met some great friends, and I know I can always go to Jessica or Jena if I ever need advice. I’ve done so many fun things, too. Time has gone so fast, and I simultaneously want it to slow down and go faster. I was not sure what to expect for my first two years of college, but I can be sure that all the things I’ve done have surpassed them. For the rest of my OSU experience, I want to continue to utilize my opportunities and resources. I hope to get a job at one of the hospitals this summer, and continue my classes toward being a physician assistant or nurse practitioner.