This past year has been one of momentous change in my life. When I was at the Denver Art Museum a few weeks ago, I saw a quote by an artist, Jordan Casteel, who said that she had “been lucky to find her soul’s code early.” This is how I feel about the last year. In the Autumn semester, I was enrolled in our Manuscript Studies course in the MedRen department (one of the only undergraduate versions of this class available in the United States). This course sparked a passion in me I could never have even imagined: a love of medieval manuscripts. For Manuscript Studies, I wrote a paper entitled “From Paris to Akron and Beyond: The Origins, Provenance, and Breaking of the Ste-Geneviève Bible,” in which I explored the history of a thirteenth-century Bible manuscript fragment which has become my main passion in life since then. This paper has since evolved into my planned Honors Thesis for Ohio State, and in the time which has passed since turning in that first, 20-page version of this paper, it has almost tripled in length, allowed me a fellowship to continue my research over the summer, provided me with the opportunity to give my first academic talk, and given me more clarity and purpose in my career than ever before. Time spent following one’s passion is the most fulfilling thing in the world, and I have become more and more aware of this fact the more time I spend working on my project. This year has also provided me with ever closer relationships with professors, mentors, and friends across OSU and beyond. Manuscript Studies is my soul’s code, and I have found it at the perfect tie in my life, because there is no better place for me to pursue it than here at Ohio State.
Author: Rose McCandless
Illuminations of William de Brailes
One very important facet of my Honors Thesis is the individual study of one of the three Bibles involved in the overall project: a manuscript with the shelfmark MS.MR.Frag.63. This is a sixty-eight leaf fragment of an English Bible produced ca. 1240 in Oxford, England in a professional manuscript workshop known for its master, William de Brailes. This project is a testament to the interdisciplinary nature of Medieval Studies; I have sections of this paper which fall under the categories of Art History, Medieval History, Modern American History, Codicology, Paleography, Fragmentology, and so much more. Although the link included below shows some of the most fascinating and fun illuminations included in MS.MR.Frag.63, these are not the only important aspects of the manuscript on which I work. In fact, illumination is one of the portions of manuscript research that I am the least interested in. People often think that manuscript research is all about the text, i.e. what does it say?, but I actually work on the text itself very little. I am interested in using small physical aspects on the manuscript itself and external records to find the individuals who have handled this manuscripts throughout the last 750-plus years, and in doing this, I begin to reconstruct a small piece of history.
Summer 2018 Mid-term Update
I have been immensely enjoying my study abroad in Edinburgh, Scotland these past three weeks. Taking classes in both Scottish History and Museum Curation, I have been learning so much and exploring not only the museums but the monuments and castles of Scotland. Below is a link to a Google Photos album documenting the places I’ve travelled to for my coursework, including the beautiful Rosslyn Chapel, where I am thrilled to be spending a month as an intern starting in about ten days. My Scottish History course is a survey lecture on the past two thousand years, so we are moving in broad strokes. For my Museum Curation course, we travel for each class meeting to a different museum or historic site (today was Glasgow’s own Kelvingrove Museum) and discuss the presentation of the material- is the visitor experience enjoyable and is the museum/site presenting the information in a way that is understandable? This experience has been enlightening and inspiring so far, and I am looking forward to the next six weeks!
Year in Review, 2017-2018
This academic year, 2017-2018, was one which comprised of a great deal of change in my life, the vast majority of it positive. To think that one year ago, I was just deciding that I would attend Ohio State as an Eminence Fellow feels strange, because it feels like that happened so long ago and just yesterday at the same time. My life has changed a great deal in several respects. The most obvious are that I moved to a new city, made new friends, and started college. The three changes I want to share more about are changes in my academic studies, my career plans, and my class’ service project.
I came into OSU at the beginning of this year knowing that I wanted to double major in Medieval and Renaissance Studies and History, with a minor in Latin. I didn’t know what I wanted to do as my concentration in either major, but I have a small amount of clarity now. In my Medieval and Renaissance Studies major, I think I want to concentrate on dynastic families, especially those of the 14th-16th centuries in England and Italy. In my History major, I will continue with medieval history, but I am also interested in African history, both modern and medieval. Though medieval African history is mainly based in oral tradition, there is still much to study and much still to be discovered.
I have had an ongoing internal crisis throughout this year over my future in the field of Medieval history. This is a field in which academic jobs are quite scarce, and many meetings with professors have made me aware of that fact even more so than I was before. I have heard a great deal about how competitive the field is, and have been often discouraged, sometimes feeling like I needed to find a major that would provide me with an easier path to employment. However, my main struggle with that was that there is nothing that I am so passionate about as Medieval history, nothing that I feel like I can excel at and change the field as much. However, throughout the year, I have come to the realization that academia is not the only path available to me. I am very interested in other options, such as working in a museum (in many potential capacities), working in an academic or archival library, writing books, or otherwise. I feel much more confident in my choices now, because I know that I am passionate about what I study and I am good at it.
One of the newest and best changes in this past year has been the development of my class’ Eminence service project. I truly have never felt so passionate about service as I do about our project, Sunrise 365 (this is our temporary name, and we are working on finding a new one). Infant mortality is a topic which I was aware of but not informed about before I started doing research into Columbus’ issue with high levels of it, and I truly feel this is an area in which we can make a difference. Though only in the very beginning stages of our organization, I am constantly amazed by the intelligent and passionate group of people I have the privilege to work with for the next three years and beyond. I am not planning to go into a field related to health, but I am confident that our group has great potential to make positive change in our community. It is such an amazing feeling, the hope for the future that I have for this organization and pride that I feel for the work we have done so far.
There has been and continues to be a great amount of change in my life. My parents are moving from my hometown in Cleveland all the way to Denver, Colorado in the next few weeks, my sister is having a baby, and I am looking forward to a summer in Scotland. There is so much to be excited about in the next few months of my life, and I am incredibly grateful looking back on the past year. I am so grateful to Ohio State for challenging me and encouraging me, to the Eminence Fellowship for pushing me forward and helping me to achieve, and to so many other people. Change is something that I have always approached with caution, but this year has made me ready to run head-first at new opportunities, and embrace the positive changes in my life while still appreciating the continuity.
Summer Plans 2018
This summer, I will have the immense pleasure and opportunity to spend two months in Edinburgh, Scotland studying abroad. I will be participating in a Museum Studies program through Arcadia University, comprising of four weeks of courses in Scottish history and Museum Studies, and another four weeks of an internship. I have not yet been placed in an internship, but it will probably have to do with archives, historical homes and estates, or something related to Museum Studies. I am so incredibly excited to not only spend the summer studying something new (that could potentially turn into a career), but also to live in one of my favorite cities.
My G.O.A.L.S. Statement
I believe that perspectives and arguments are important from each person, and these are especially important in the field of History, as well as in life. Global Awareness encompasses the ability to see value in others’ perspectives and ideas, and this is my goal both in my field and my life. For Original Inquiry, I hope to soon begin participating in research in history, hopefully either exploring medieval sexual violence law and punishment, or one of several other options. Academic Enrichment involves choosing your classes and programs according to your passions, and this is what I have done. I chose my major because I am passionate about medieval history, religion, and literature, especially that of England and Scotland, which are reflected in my course choices. For Leadership Development, I hope to be a board member of the club Mappa Mundi, and to take a leadership role in the founding and developing of my Eminence Fellowship class’ service project. And finally, Service Engagement is very important to me and I hope to not only express this in my class’ service project, but also by participating in service around the Columbus and campus community, by volunteering in nursing homes and possibly helping to build wheelchair ramps for the disabled as I have done in the past.
Myths and Legends
Below I have attached an article by Simon Coupland about the modern myths surrounding Vikings. I love this article because the portrayal of medieval figures and events in the media is something that I am very passionate about, and I feel that this article gives wonderful insight into the way the modern world perceives Vikings. If the author of this article had written after the release of the Vikings TV show, I would be interested to know his take on that show’s portrayal of historical figures such as Ragnar Lothbrok and Rollo, Duke of Normandy. I think that the modern media loves to either over-romanticize the Middle Ages or portray them as completely and utterly horrible, with no in between, and thus I think that this article does a good job of grounding such a stereotypical image of a Viking in historical reality.
About Me
I am double majoring in Medieval and Renaissance Studies and History. Though I do not have a concentration yet, I am particularly interested in English history beginning with Edward I and ending with Elizabeth I, especially the period of the Wars of the Roses. I am very passionate about rare books and manuscripts; one of my most influential experiences of my high school career was working in the Rare Book Archive of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, where I worked with mainly ornithological and anthropological works dating around the 19th century. I have also spent the summer of 2018 interning at Rosslyn Chapel, in Scotland, writing articles for their website and organizing volunteer time. I am also very passionate about the importance of history- I believe that the study of history has lost its value in society, and one of my goals is to show people that not only is history relevant, it is fascinating. I believe that we have an identity as a human race which is built and reliant upon our collective history, and my mission is to encourage understanding of who we are as human beings based on our past. I am very goal-oriented; I want to attend graduate school, preferably in the United Kingdom, after my undergraduate years, pursuing a doctorate which would allow me to become a professor. I love to teach others about history and to research and develop new ideas and arguments with known facts, so the academic lifestyle appeals to me a great deal. My love of learning is something that I cherish and work to build as time goes by.