I have been immensely enjoying my study abroad in Edinburgh, Scotland these past three weeks. Taking classes in both Scottish History and Museum Curation, I have been learning so much and exploring not only the museums but the monuments and castles of Scotland. Below is a link to a Google Photos album documenting the places I’ve travelled to for my coursework, including the beautiful Rosslyn Chapel, where I am thrilled to be spending a month as an intern starting in about ten days. My Scottish History course is a survey lecture on the past two thousand years, so we are moving in broad strokes. For my Museum Curation course, we travel for each class meeting to a different museum or historic site (today was Glasgow’s own Kelvingrove Museum) and discuss the presentation of the material- is the visitor experience enjoyable and is the museum/site presenting the information in a way that is understandable? This experience has been enlightening and inspiring so far, and I am looking forward to the next six weeks!