About Me

I am double majoring in Medieval and Renaissance Studies and History. Though I do not have a concentration yet, I am particularly interested in English history beginning with Edward I and ending with Elizabeth I, especially the period of the Wars of the Roses. I am very passionate about rare books and manuscripts; one of my most influential experiences of my high school career was working in the Rare Book Archive of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, where I worked with mainly ornithological and anthropological works dating around the 19th century. I have also spent the summer of 2018 interning at Rosslyn Chapel, in Scotland, writing articles for their website and organizing volunteer time. I am also very passionate about the importance of history- I believe that the study of history has lost its value in society, and one of my goals is to show people that not only is history relevant, it is fascinating. I believe that we have an identity as a human race which is built and reliant upon our collective history, and my mission is to encourage understanding of who we are as human beings based on our past. I am very goal-oriented; I want to attend graduate school, preferably in the United Kingdom, after my undergraduate years, pursuing a doctorate which would allow me to become a professor. I love to teach others about history and to research and develop new ideas and arguments with known facts, so the academic lifestyle appeals to me a great deal. My love of learning is something that I cherish and work to build as time goes by.

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