Photo Reflection Project


As for this photo reflection assignment, I have been assigned to answer some quiz at and choose two from the choice given from the website. Therefore, I choose two interests which are material manager and plant engineer. Then, I need to collect the data for both of interests.
Materials manager and plant engineer


Picture 1: Material manager

Material manager primarily handle with materials and components used by an organization. They need to control the inventory by means of manage the purchasing, shipping and receiving the material. Besides, they need to wisely assign task to their sub workers and supervise their work. Therefore, the work will meet the demand from customer and client. Plant engineer primarily works at manufacturing facility whether as supervisor or manager. They need to monitor equipment in facility to ensure that efficiently operates and meet required standards. This goes to worker as well; they need to maintain their performance or they will be transfer to other section of job.
I think both of the jobs work well with me as they are one of my interests. I love to manage things such as my belongings and the task that I need to do as student and tenant of rent house. Although some may find this as unimportant, but to me this is very important as it helps our daily life works well. This is the factor that I think material manager will work to me. As for plant engineer, it is same like material manager but it rather focuses more on equipment. For instance, I regularly check some equipment in my house so it will work properly. This is because materials that not working properly can affect my daily life. They can slow down my daily progress. Both of these jobs have some similarities with my intended major, electrical engineering, in oversee the equipment and task but material manager is from business and management major while plant engineer came from mechanical engineer. As for salary, material manager averagely get around $72k and plant engineer get $78K annually. As for me, I think the salary that approximately to $6k monthly looks enough for fresh graduate. The salary can support my monthly expenses and saving for my early working year. Of course, I really look forward in increasing of salary in the future to manage my properties and marriage life.

As for the requirement to apply job in material manager, it requires bachelor’s degree, leadership skill in and business knowledge. While for plant engineer, they need to have bachelor’s degree and skills in imagination, interpersonal, problem-solving, reading and writing.


Picture 2: Plant engineer

I think there is a high chance in making better salary with more experience and education. Most extraordinary and large companies are more likely to employ well-educated and more experience in their job. The companies usually use this method to increase their company performance by having the employees like that. The educated employee can handle with different problem they face with their knowledge. Same goes to more experience people in job; they can identify the path to solve the problem based on their experience in the past.
In my opinion, satisfaction comes first before the salary. As salary can be increase by time but the satisfaction cannot be increase. If an individual not love and satisfy their job at the first place, later they cannot maintain their performance hence they might face disciplinary action by their company. On the other hand, if the individual loves the job, they will take their task seriously with responsibility hence they get great result which they might get an offer to higher position or increase in their salary. Therefore, I think satisfaction or performance can affect their salary in the future.


References for the pictures:
1. Circuit Works Corporation | Materials Management. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2016, from (Picture 1)

2. Careers – CEA Systems | Global Leader in Plant Engineering Software. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2016, from (Picture 2)

3 thoughts on “Photo Reflection Project

  1. You did a very good job on analyzing your intended jobs, I can see your efforts through your passage! I think your analysis towards the jobs you intended makes sense to me, because it is very logical, I do believe this will help you a lot on your future career!

  2. Amazing thoughts from a fantastic person! You did your research and the thoughts are well-tailored from the beginning to the end. We share common interest where we cannot get enough from analyzing equipment and stuff. I am highly agreed with your point on the supremacy of the satisfaction over salary.

  3. Hi again Amirul Amin Mazlan! Through your photo reflection, I realized that you are really good at physics and ready to be an engineer! To be a material engineer, I think you have lots of knowledge in chemsity and environment science. Hope you can do well in your future!

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