

  • Global Awareness: Currently I am expanding my knowledge about the world through my Spanish class. In this class, I am not only learning a new language, but I am also learning the culture of spanish speaking countries. The culture lessons have enlightened me on the similarities and differences between American people and people in other countries. In the future, I hope to travel to another country and study there. This is will open up more opportunities to learn about other cultures because I will be living directly in them.
  • Original Inquiry: Any research I can take part in for mathematics I would be excited to take part in. I think an important part of learning anything is discovering something new and trying to understand those new concepts. While I am a math major, i have always been a curious mind. I am looking forward to furthering my mathematics education, but I also plan to take courses that spark other interests in me.
  • Academic Enrichment: The classes I am taking currently and intend to take in the future will be challenging and honors level. I feel that taking challenging courses pushes you as a person to handle stressful situations. I am a math major and I hope to take honors math courses in the future to push me academically and also strengthen my problem-solving skills.
  • Leadership Development: In class, I exhibit my leadership skills by participating in class and being an active learner. Outside of class, I take part in multiple activities around campus and try to be as involved as possible in those activities. In fact, I plan to run for a leadership position in one of those clubs. In the future, I hope to strengthen these skills so that I am prepared to be a leader in the workplace.
  • Service Engagement: Through my biology class, we were given the chance to participate in service-learning, which is a way to connect what we learn in class to real world experiences. I am excited to take part in that, as well as, join a community service theatre club, which helps under funded schools put on productions. Service has always been a huge part of my life and giving back to the community is something that I would like to do. In the future, I want to continue giving back to my community and participating in service to not only better other people’s lives, but my own as well.