Mentee Second-Semester Interview

I had the pleasure of being a co-mentor with Mindy to Jillian Bettan. Jillian is a Speech and Hearing Science like Mindy and I. The first topic we discussed was what kind of study Jillian has developed since the fall. Jillian shared that she has had success when she finds a place outside of her room to study. For example, going to the basement of Smith Steeb in one of the study rooms.  Jillina says this helps her focus more and not get so distracted as opposed to when she is in her room. Jillian also shared that by finding study groups, such as her friends, and having them quiz each other over material has also helped a lot. We then discussed what classes on her schedule for the fall she thinks will be most challenging and why. Jillian shared that she thinks the speech and hearing class 3340, the science of sound, will be most challenging. In the speech and hearing major, this is considered to be a harder class due to having many phsyic and math aspects to it. Both Mindy and I have taken this class, and offered reassurance to Jillian that she would be fine in the class and if she needs help we are always here to answer questions she may have.

The next topic we discussed were regarding Jillian’s involvement outside of classes. We asked Jillian how she manages her time between her involvement and academics. Jillian said that the key to having a balance between the two is planning out a schedule, giving herself time for each assignment, and plan out which day she is going to do which assignment. I have also found that this is an effective way to plan out your work so it is not so overwhelming and daunting last minute. Next we asked if Jillian planned on keeping the same involvement she has this year next year and why. Jillian said that yes she plans on staying involved in everything she is currently involved in next year. Jillian shared we really likes everything she is doing and that she has found ways to manage everything she is doing. I then asked Jillian out of everything she is involved in, what is her favorite thing. Jillian shared that NSSLHA, the National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association, is her favorite. Mindy and I are also part of this organization  and we agreed we like going to the meetings and learning about what is happening in our field.

The next topic we discussed was ACES. We asked Jillian how was her first semester in ACES and what surprised her the most about the program. Jillian shared that her first semester in ACES went well and she was so happy to meet so many new people in the program. She shared that she has made some of her good friends through ACES. I can relate to this because this is how I met all of my roommates I live with right now. We were all in ACES and became friends because of it. Jillian shared what surprised her most about the program is how ACES is involved in so many organizations. For example, how ACES has connections to 4 Paws and various locations we have volunteered through in previous years.

Next we discussed if Jillian’s career plans have changed since first semester and if so why. Jillian shared that her career plans have not changed, she still wants to work in a school someday. Jillian believes it hasn’t changed because she has not had any classes that have really shown her what it would be like to work in a different setting than a school. I recommended that Jillian take 3370s, which is class where you work with the aphasia intitive that OSU has. While this did not change my mind about working in a school, I think it would be good for Jillian to have some exposure of what it would be like working with older individuals.

The last thing we discussed was her overall experience at OSU this year. We asked Jillian what her favorite memory was from last semester. Jillian shared that her and her friends went to north market and tried chicken parm and donuts. Jillian said she loved getting out and trying new food from new vendors and also being able to spend that time with her friends. The last question we asked Jillian was what has surprised her about Ohio State since she arrived on campus. Jillian shared that how “small” OSU is has surprised her. Jillian runs into the same people or sees the same people all the time which is crazy to her because of how large OSU is. I also find this very surprising because the same thing happens to me. I also see the same people when walking to class or when hanging out on the oval.

I have loved getting to learn more about Jillian this year and hope that we can remain connected throughout the rest of our years at OSU. I hope that I can continue to help guide and answer any questions that Jillian has about the major or any questions overall.

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