About Me

Ohio State University vs Purdue Fort Wayne

My name is RaNajha Maye, and I am a member of the Advocates for Community and Education Scholars (ACES) Program. I am a current Social Work major and participant of the 4+1 program.This program was designed to help social work majors obtain their Bachelors of Social Work (BSW) and Masters of Social Work (MSW) in only 5 years. My goal is to become a behavioral health social worker.

I was born and raised here in Columbus , Ohio not far from the main campus of the Ohio State University. I attended middle school at the Columbus City Preparatory School For Girls where I was apart of the first class to start in 6th grade and graduate from 8th grade since the school opened in 2010. This time was also the time in which I was inducted into the Young Scholars Program to spend the next six years acquiring the skills necessary to be a well rounded student at The Ohio State University.

For high school, I attended Fort Hayes, where I specialized in dance and instrumental music. During my time here, I was very active in my community along with participating in several extracurricular activities. I was a member of the FOCUS leadership group for all four years of high school within an organization called Community for New Direction. I was Student Delegate for my sophomore class where I bridged the gap between the sophomore class desires and administrative expectations. For National Honors Society, I held the secretary position, I coached Royal Dreams Dance Team, and enhanced my entrepreneurship.

At the Ohio State University, I plan to be involved in many clubs that can enhance the skills necessary to become an effective Social Worker. My hobbies include dancing, writing poetry, and exploring new places and ideas. I am extremely exited to finally be a Buckeye, and will remain grateful for the opportunities offered here.

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