Learning Technologies: Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic

There are three main learning techniques:


Pic cred: TheEducationInsider.org

  1. Visual – The learner learns through visual objects such as pictures/videos or watching something be done.
  2. Auditory – The learner learns through hearing/speaking, for example, listening to a lecture.
  3. Kinesthetic – The learner learns from a more hands on approach such as demonstrating or working in groups.

Visual learning is nice for catching on to things quickly once shown them, however can make it hard if you have to learn in a textbook setting.  Auditory learning is. nice because you can learn tricks (such as listening to notes through audible) , but can also be difficult when certain things can’t be displayed well enough through listening.  Kinesthetic learning is nice because you learn first hand, however this could be a downfall to those that don’t enjoy getting thrown right into things/working in groups.

-Hanna Maxwell