R.E.A.C.H Training

Today, I completed R.E.A.C.H Training, and I am so happy that I did. Due to the training, I feel better prepared if I ever have to have a conversation with someone who I believe may be trying to complete suicide. I was taught how to go about asking a person if they have considered suicide and then how to respond appropriately. Additionally, I am more aware of the warning signs and will hopefully be able to help to pick up on the warnings better now than I would have before. One main statistic that I learned and that really stood out was that 47,000 people complete suicide per year. The surprising part, however, was that the average number of suicides per day is therefore 129 and was compared to if a plane crashed every single day. This analogy blew my mind because to think about the news coverage a plane crash has in comparison to the people who take their own lives each day is astonishing. Overall, it was a great opportunity and I am glad to now have an idea of what to do if I ever have to be in a situation where someone wants to take their own life.