Optometry: Eat and Explore

I was able to attend an Eat and Explore event today through the Biological Sciences Scholars program. This event involved meeting Karla Zadnik (pictured on left) and Shawn Gilbert (pictured on right). Mrs. Zadnik is the Dean of The Ohio State College of Optometry, and Mr. Gilbert is the Assitant Director of Admissions. The event also included information on the reasons to pursue optometry and the admission process for The Ohio State College of Optometry. From this experience, I was able to get a holistic view of optometry as well as learn even more about the program Ohio State has. In addition, I was able to have some of my questions answered which will help me make decisions regarding my undergraduate experience!

G.O.A.L.S: What are they?

G.O.A.L.S is a honors and scholars acronym that stands for Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development, and Service Engagement. Global Awareness is what I will learn about different cultures and ideas through my experiences here at Ohio State. Original Inquiry involves going to different presentations, lectures, and events with questions that will help me understand the topic. Academic Enrichment is simply pursuing a route that is more difficult than the route others are taking. Academic excellence occurs when you are pushed outside of your comfort zone, and that is what difficult classes and experiences do. Leadership Development is as it sounds–developing leadership skills. This is an important one to me because being a leader is a quality used in school, a career, and even with friends and family. I am currently on the executive board of Buckeye Food Alliance as a general body member and hope to hold a position next year! Lastly, Service Engagement is being involved in service organizations, churches, or anything that utilizes your time and talent for others in need. As I said I am a member of Buckeye Food Alliance and this organization runs a food pantry for anyone with food insecurity. In addition, I am really hoping to go on a missionary trip through Crossroads Church, and/or get involved in Buck-I-Serve! I am excited to explore G.O.A.L.S and will update this section with how I am doing with them!

Scholarship Cup

Earlier this year, I was rewarded with the engraving of my name on The Scholarship Cup at Coshocton High School. Each year, the student that is number one in the graduating class has their name engraved on this award which is presented during the scholarship ceremony. This award means a lot to me because it is my greatest accomplishment to date, and is something tangible that signifies the amount of work I put into getting to where I am today. Likewise, the cup is a reminder of the steps I have already taken to get to my career goals and to continue working toward them. Translating the hard work I put in before to right now will allow me to succeed in college and hopefully take me on to optometry school. I was humbled by the experience of standing on stage as the cup was presented in front of the school, faculty, and parents in the audience, and I will cherish that memory for years to come.