Module 4- Reading with Clarity

Hello guys,

I have taken a tool that I have learned from this week’s module to help me in improving my reading comprehension. By highlighting key points throughout my reading, this allows me to focus on what is truly important in each paragraph for example, and while simultaneously giving my brain a second to process what I’ve read. When I am working in paper form, I have been using highlighters to enhance my comprehension as pointed out in this week’s video, by highlighting; this points out to me what has been deemed as important through the reading. Drawing symbols and pictures can also help in grasping concepts or ideas. Incorporating any of these strategies will be helpful to anyone in the terms of becoming a better active reader.

As we attempt at applying some of these tools into our lives, we should keep the idea of time management still in our minds. To explain further, making effective use of our time is the most important thing, rather than just getting more done quicker. This also can describe why incorporating more active reading skills into my life has led to me becoming more confident in what I am reading while being more effective with my time. Reading and being able to comprehend it and remember it for later requires some basic concepts that if instituted are achievable. If anybody has any other methods that they would like to share on how you have become a good active reader or what things you are trying now in attempting to improve your active reading skills, please share!


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