

  • Global Awareness: I would love to learn about different cultures by potentially studying abroad during my third or fourth year of college.  I would really love to maybe study abroad in Spain or a Spanish-speaking country one day.  It would be really educational and exciting for me because I am Hispanic and my ancestors are from Spain.  I would love to know more about my family’s history and traditions!


  • Original Inquiry: In the near future, I hope to participate in a research project relating to my major, Health Sciences.  I would like to further learn about my career field and expand my knowledge.


  • Academic Enrichment: A strong goal of mine is to maintain good grades throughout college while challenging myself by taking high-level courses.  I would like to achieve this goal by taking some courses over the summer so that course material will not be forgotten.


  • Leadership Development: I would like to grow in my leadership skills this year.  This year, I am a chair for one of the Mount committees: Community Activities Committee.  By being a chair I will learn how to become a stronger and more helpful leader to the community.  I am also taking ESHESA 2571S which is teaching me how to become a better leader in and out of the classroom.


  • Service Engagement: This year I am doing my year of service at A Kid Again, which is an organization that plans stress-free and fun events for families who have kids with life-threatening diseases.  I plan to do 75 hours or more of service at this organization.  I hope to make strong bonds with the families and volunteers at A Kid Again.  Also, I have been on many mission trips and I am hoping to participate in another mission trip sometime this summer!

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