Elements of Art and Principles of Design

Line – The continuous destination of a point in still space.


Shape – The existence of something in a flat object, like a circle or square.


Color – An image that only presents a single group of colors of colors of similar shades and hues.


Value – The amount of light or lack of light the exists in an image.


Form – The depth or dimension of an object in an image.


Texture – The physical appearance of a surface that insists some sort of feeling or tactile response.


Space – The area in which an object does or doesn’t exist.


Balance – The image is evenly split from the middle.


Contrast – Something in the image suggests a difference from everything else in the image.


Emphasis – Something in the image is brought forth by its separation from other things in the image.


Movement – An image that implies the motion of an object in the image or that some sort of action occurs in the image.


Pattern – The repetition of like objects or imagery in a picture.


Proportion – The relationship of size between two objects in a picture.


Alignment (Repetition) – The position of objects in an image such that they form a straight line.


Unity – The synchronous display of pieces of objects in an image.

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