
Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies Blog Post

During this weeks module I learned about reading efficiently. A technique that I plan to follow is the SQ3R that was mentioned in the video I saw on slide 5 (Link: The S stands for Skim, which means to read over the text first. This allows you to underline or highlight any important information that you might need to look back at in your notes. The Q stands for Questions. On the side of your notes you should write questions about content you still are unsure about. Writing questions down helps you remember things better because you are actively searching to find the answer to it.  The 3R’s stand for Read, Recite, and Review. For these three R’s you will read your notes, recite them by reading them aloud and/or reviewing them with a friend. A tip that helps me when reciting notes is teaching it to someone else. If not I act like I’m teaching it to another person. Reviewing means that you should review your notes the day of and throughout the weeks before your exam. Having organize notes will help you retain the course content and reviewing it will make it easier to remember than cramming the night before.