Review of Ochem 2510

One of the most impactful courses that I have taken thus far is Ochem 2510. I went into this course worried for what was to come after hearing all about its difficulty. This class definitely lived up to its expectations and was challenging. Although, I was able to learn a lot of content as well as how to be a better student. I had to be disciplined in order to stay up to date on the content while also taking four other classes during the semester. During this class, I learned more effective ways to study and prepare for weekly quizzes and exams. I was able to change my study habits and how I review and practice the content. Organic chemistry was something that I had never been exposed to before, so it was really interesting to learn more about. I felt engaged throughout the course, and I was able to learn a lot in a short amount of time. Taking Ochem 2520 during my spring semester allowed me to build upon the foundation of knowledge that I had learned in Ochem 2520, and I was able to use similar study techniques in order to do well in this class as well. Ochem 2510 changed the way in which I managed my time and studied, which has impacted my performance in other classes. I plan to use what I learned as a result of Ochem 2510 in order to do well in other courses throughout college and my future educational endeavors.


End of Year Reflection (2nd Year)

I was able to learn and grow a lot this year as a result of the challenges that I faced each semester. I went into my third semester nervous for the class schedule that was ahead of me. I had heard all about organic chemistry and how difficult it was, so I was not looking forward to having to take it. By the end of my first year of college I thought that I had learned the most effective ways to study and manage my time. It turns out that this method was not as effective with my new courses and schedule. Taking organic chemistry and physics along with three other classes was a challenge. Staying on top of the material and leaving enough time to study for each class was difficult. Although, I was able to change the way that I studied and manage my time better in order to prepare myself for quizzes and exams. Autumn semester pushed me to a level of adversity that my course schedule had not done before. This being said, I learned a lot about myself and the steps that I need to take in order to stay organized and do my best. I learned that I can push through these challenges with hard work, and that I should not hesitate to ask for help.

Spring semester allowed me to put the time management and studying skills that I had learned to the test. My course load was equally as challenging as the previous semester with more difficult courses to take. Although, I was able to ensure that I took more time to do the activities that I enjoy in order to have a better mindset during the semester. I signed up for a soccer class so that I could have a scheduled time where I would be able to exercise and do something that I enjoy. Taking this class allowed me to de-stress and start out my mornings on a positive note. Another change that I made in the spring semester is that I made more of an effort to volunteer and be active in my clubs on campus. I was able to go on a trip to Knoxville, Tennessee with Remote Area Medical in order to volunteer at a free clinic. I was also able to volunteer with Project Sunshine at the Ronald McDonald House a couple of times each month. Overall, my fourth semester allowed me to find my rhythm and show what methods work best for my schedule.


Year in Review

Semester in Review (1st Semester)

I have grown and learned way more than I could have ever expected this semester. Before coming to Ohio State, I was so worried about being able to find friends and having the opportunity to get involved in activities that interest me. With coronavirus restricting most in- person events, I thought that I would be confined to my dorm for the semester. Despite the circumstances, I can say that I have been able to meet new people and try new things. I joined three different clubs, which has allowed me to further explore my interests. I decided to join Running Club in order to meet new people and to continue to do something that I love. I also joined Project Sunshine and BuckeyeThon, which have allowed me to get involved in service opportunities on campus and in the community. Along with that, being a part of Biological Sciences Scholars has allowed me to get more involved this semester. I have been able to meet new people with similar interests, and find groups to study for classes with. I have also had the opportunity to learn more about certain topics through the events that I was able to join and reflect on. This semester I have opened up more and challenged myself to go outside of my comfort zone. It was difficult to adjust to college at first, but I have learned how to manage the different aspects of my life so that I can fit everything in to my schedule.

The classes that I have taken this semester have challenged me and helped me to find what study techniques work best for me. I was most worried about taking Chem 1210 because of what I had heard from students who had taken it before, but I was able to surprise myself and do better in the class than I expected. This course has taught me a lot about discipline, and I have significantly changed my work and study habits as a result. Another course that I was nervous about was EEOB 3310.02 because it is an upper level class. When I learned that not many freshmen take the class until later on, I was worried that I would be unprepared and feel out of place. Although, I have definitely learned the most in this class, and it has made me more confident in my abilities. Along with that, this semester I have learned the importance of staying ahead on class work and not allowing myself to procrastinate too much. I also learned that office hours are a great way to ask questions and deepen my understanding of the topics discussed in class.

Overall, I am proud of what I have been able to accomplish this semester, and I hope to continue to grow and learn moving forward.