December 3, 2013
Agricultural News Release
For more information, contact Mark Badertscher
OSU Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources
419-674-2297 or
Agriculture Hall of Fame Winners Honored at Banquet
by Mark Badertscher, OSU Extension Educator
Ohio State University Extension, Hardin County – The Hardin County Agriculture Hall of Fame honored the 2013 winners, who were inducted at the eleventh annual Agriculture Hall of Fame recognition banquet held at St. John’s United Church of Christ on December 3. The 2013 inductees were: Franklin Garmon, Laurie Laird, Rex & Joan Sullinger, and Bernard & Virginia Williams.
The purpose of the county Agriculture Hall of Fame is to recognize outstanding agricultural contributions by Hardin County people and to honor those who have brought distinction to themselves and the agricultural industry. Shannon (Wilcox) Donnelly presented the keynote address entitled ‘Parallel Agriculture.’ Members of the Agriculture Hall of Fame Committee are: Kerry Oberlitner (Farm Bureau) – chairman, Paul Ralston – vice chairman, Mark Badertscher (OSU Extension) – secretary, Robert McBride, Treasurer, Robert Wood (Grange), John Messmer, Andrew Flinn, Luke Underwood, and Don Spar.
Because these Hardin County Agriculture Hall of Fame inductees’ service is vital to Ohio Agriculture and the citizens of our great state, Ohio Senator Cliff Hite has arranged for Senate Commendations for each inductee. He will deliver these commendations when they are approved and ready from the Ohio Senate. The Hardin County Agriculture Hall of Fame would like to thank the sponsors who made this banquet possible. For further information, go to