Hardin County Crop Walk

OSU Extension Logo

August 13, 2013

Agricultural News Release

For more information, contact Mark Badertscher

OSU Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

419-674-2297 or badertscher.4@osu.edu


Hardin County Crop Walk

by Mark Badertscher, OSU Extension Educator

Ohio State University Extension, Hardin County – How does your garden grow? The Hardin County OSU Extension is sponsoring a Crop Walk program on Tuesday, August 20 from 6:00-8:30 pm. The program will include an emphasis on fruit and vegetable production. The location of the program will be 19809 County Road 200, Mt. Victory, Ohio 43340, which is about a half mile past the Scioto Valley Produce Auction.

OSU Extension Horticulturist Brad Bergefurd will be giving recommendations on plant nutrition and soil fertility. Dr. Sally Miller, plant pathologist from the OSU Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center will be discussing plant disease problems common with fruits and vegetables. Dr. Celeste Welty, OSU entomologist will share information about how to manage insect pests while keeping the beneficial insects around.

The program will be held outside so bring your lawn chair and umbrella in case of rain. There will be a diagnostic table so be sure to bring along any plant problems, plant diseases, and insect specimens for questions and answers. The program will conclude with walk through a produce patch, pointing out produce issues and how to deal with them.

2013 Crop Walk Flier

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