OSU-Marion Prairie Aerial Photos
This an aerial (drone) photo taken August 8, 2020.
This is the western edge of the Prairie where shrub removal is occuring in July, 2023 (photo taken July 12, 2023).
Here is a closer shot of the shrubs and small trees where they are being removed in July, 2023.
Here is the southern half of the Prairie, July 12, 2023.
This photo shows more detail of invading shrubs in the southern portion of the Prairie.
This is the north side of the Prairie , July 12, 2023.
This photo shows, at the right edge, the tree-of-heaven stand that is slated for removal.
This is an overhead view.
This is facing east. In the immediate foreground adjacent to the lawn area is an area that was densely occupied by dogwood shrubs which were cut and stump-treated in summer and fall of last year. The woody debris remains.
This is facing north. In the foreground, i.e., the south one-third of the Prairie, is the portion that was burned by the OSU SENR Introduction to Wildland Fire Management class (ENR 3335.01) in autumn of last year.
This is the area along Grave Creek where a stand of Ailanthus (tree-of-heaven) is showing signs of not being alive any more owing to effective basal-bark herbicide treatment the previous fall. Portions of the ground here are light-colored because a dense understory of Amur honeysuckle has been removed, and the area is carpeted with chips derived from the grinding of those honeysuckles and also honeysuckles removed from other portions of the Prairie.
This is the Prairie in winter, facing south. In the lower right, we have the pleasure of seeing the homes of one of our most intriguing wildlife residents, the prairie mound-building ant, Formica montana. We are near the eastern edge of its range.