Information about upcoming Career Fair with Ashland University, Wed. Feb. 19

Attention Students:

Where will you be this summer?  Why not in an internship related to your major?

Soon to be Graduates:

Start your job search NOW!


Ashland University has partnered with OSU-M & NCSC to host a career fair for our students on Wednesday, February 19th, from 1pm-4pm in Ashland at the John C. Myers Convocation Center, Ashland University, Ashland, OH.  300+ expected in attendance.

More information, including the list of employers can be found at:

Our students are required by AU to pre-register by contacting Tracy at or 419-755-4325.

Students are required to attend our February resume/networking readiness workshop on Friday, February 14 from 12-1pm in Eisenhower Union conference room OR Kehoe RM 166 prior to the event.   If you cannot attend you must have an appointment with Tracy Bond (NCSC/OSU), Pam Schopieray(OSU)@ , or Troy Shutler (NCSC)@  prior to the event.

AU has strict requirements on dress so be sure to for SUCCESS—no jeans, leggings, or flip flops!

Students may take their own transportation.  A van to transport students from campus will also be available the afternoon of the event so be sure to sign up if you need a ride.

50+ employers currently registered!

Success Series: Steve

Steve Haverdick
Graduate, NCSC Mechanical Engineering Technology
Interned at Gorman Rupp and Stoneridge, Inc. (Hi-Stat)

“My engineering internships allowed me to gain valuable experience and helped jump-start my career.   Early on at North Central State College, I was unsure of my career track within the engineering field.    By completing two internships, I was able to gain hands-on experience working with engineering projects.  I knew more of what to expect after I graduated and more of what line of work and product I wanted to work with in engineering. These projects and the hands-on experience helped me advance and find my role in the field. This experience helped me build my resume tremendously.”

Success Series: Amanda

Amanda McCoy is an Ohio State University graduate who majored in English. She is from Bucyrus, Ohio where she had her paid internship opportunity at the Bucyrus Radio Group, which is locally known as WBCO/WQEL 92.7. Amanda learned about her internship through the internship coordinator, Tracy Bond. Tracy had emailed her about the possibility of doing an internship in her hometown and it was something Amanda could not pass up being near graduation. She said, “It gave me a chance to practice resume writing and get that prepared so I would have something ready to go by the end of my graduation.”

Amanda had a family, a job, and a full class load already, making an internship difficult to fit in to her busy schedule. When asked how she found time, Amanda replied, “I didn’t really find time, I had to make time for an internship; I knew that I needed something else on my résumé other than just college.” She also made use of the on-campus daycare here at OSU-M/NCSC and commented, “I was really lucky there is a daycare here on campus that I could bring them (her children) with me all through my schooling and make that a part of their lives too.”

She noted that one big positive for her was working with a woman who was the general manager because it gave her a sense of confidence and empowerment, especially being in her hometown. She received critique from her manager, which made her think of certain things she needed to work on to move into a position of power, like her manager.

Lastly, when we asked Amanda what positives came from her internship she responded, “It gave me a lot of confidence because I didn’t know what I was going to do with my degree; I didn’t know what I was going to do after I graduated. I even contemplated staying in school another year to take some more classes and figure it out, but I decided I’m just going to do this internship and finish it up, and it really boosted my confidence that I can really make something happen no matter where I’m at in my life.”

Success Series: Brian

Brian Kurtz is a sophomore at The Ohio State University who is majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Brian found out about his internship through a career awareness luncheon. While there, he ran into Mr. Friebel and expressed his interest in an internship. Two months later, he was receiving hands-on experience that would help him tremendously in the future.

Brian started his internship in the spring of 2013. He worked for Cooper Enterprises and focused on product design. During his internship, he worked as a draftsman on CAD (Computer Aided Design) work and learned to make models of product designs. He did so by taking customer sketches and turning them into 3D models. The experience that he gained during his internship allowed him to become knowledgeable and confident within the world of modeling and product design. Brian found his internship to be extremely rewarding and a great learning experience. When asked what he found most rewarding, he stated, “being able to see something I put so many hours into come together without any problems. To be able to actually see it there, talk to the guys, they didn’t have any problems machining it…just all went together real nice and the end product looked great.”

As a result of his internship with Cooper Enterprises, he is currently employed part-time with the company. He is now able to see how everything one can learn, whether it be in class or an internship, is valuable to your future and professional goals.

When asked what he would say to those thinking of pursuing an internship, he replied, “I definitely encourage that. It’s a great opportunity that you just can’t compare it to. You can learn so much in a class but when you’re actually out in the world applying those things and learning new things from that, it really helps bring everything full circle.”