SUMIFS is a very basic and useful function in Excel that is just one step above a SUMIF. If you are not familiar with the SUMIF function, read about it here first.
SUMIFS is basically the same idea of SUMIF except you can have several criteria, or if statements, you want your data to follow.
Here is the structure of a SUMIFS: =SUMIFS (sum_range, range1, criteria1, [range2], [criteria2], …)
In words, the only values in sum_range which will be summed are those in which range1 passes critera1 AND range2 passes critera2 AND…
For Example: Imagine you are trying to find the number of shoes which are in a particular price range and are a certain color. Suppose you have the following data. To find the quantity of shoes which follow your attributes, you would use a SUMIFS similar to the one below.
There are 8 pairs of shoes which cost less than $40 and are Red.
SUMIFS are quite simple with a little practice and are very useful in larger data problems.