Freshman Year in Review

When I first decided to come to The Ohio State University, I had visions of what I expected my year to be like.  I knew I would have to become more independent; I expected to join clubs and meet people with my similar interest, and I was anxious yet excited to hopefully gain experiences and knowledge to further my academics and all around self.

Now that the year is concluding, I can confidently say, all of my expectations were not only fulfilled, but exceeded.

My first semester centered around my academics.  I worked on perfecting my time management skills by juggling Calculus 2 and my first ever coding class.  Those two classes really helped me understand the importance of making connections with classmates and going to teachers’ office hours. I also went to internship fairs, HACK OH/IO, and several other professional development events. I luckily landed an internship at Great American Insurance in Cincinnati for this summer.

Early in the year I also discovered some of my favorite places to study including the seventh floor of the Math Tower and Kafe Kerouac. Being able to work in a comfortable environment really made it easier to make the campus feel like home.

Once I got settled in and comfortable with my class schedule, I began to get involved around campus. I joined a the Big Data and Analytics Association (BDAA), and found some fantastic upperclassmen mentors in the data analytics major.  The club also brought in working data analysts each week which helped me solidify that I made the correct choice in perusing a career in big data.

Each week was filled with busy classes and loads of work as well as new memories with my friends, making winter break sneak up out of nowhere.

Once I returned to campus in January, it felt strange already having a new schedule. I felt like I was starting over. However, it was much easier this time to get used to my schedule and the work load. I made it a goal of mine for this semester to get more involved in hobbies I enjoy that are unrelated to my major. I could not be happier to say, I did just that.

One of the biggest parts of my life that went missing when I came to college was running everyday with my high school cross country team.  I decided to go out on a limb and show up to OSU’s Running Club for practice one day.  This club alone has filled the gap I was missing, and made me happier. Running club is my daily way to take a break from school, and be surrounded by some bright, friendly people.

This past semester I was also a contestant on Survivor Time and Change (STC). Yes, this is almost exactly like the television show “Survivor”, except it is played on campus with students. STC was hands down the most unique and refreshing experience I’ve had this past year. Going into the “game”, I knew no one, and I had no idea what to expect. I pushed myself to take it week by week and to just be myself. The challenges, strategizing, and everything in between was so fun! Although I got “voted out”, I can confidently say STC provided me with social skills, positivity, and courage I could not have gained anywhere else.

As I look back on this year as a whole, it is amazing to me how much has happened and how fast it went by. It’s almost impossible to think about the first week when I didn’t know half the people who I call my best friends, or where anything was on campus. A year ago I had never looked at a coding program; Now I have worked with about 4 languages. In this past year alone, I feel like I’ve learned more classroom and social skills than I ever have in such a short time. I am undoubtedly more independent, outgoing, sociable, and determined. I cannot wait to come back next year!

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