Mid-Semester Check In

I was fairly ambitious for my project. Originally I proposed a year long project about a video I would make regarding outdoor adventure and local ways to get involved. I am still sticking with this idea but have made a few alterations. The video project will be my second semester project, this way I can use both first and second semester to gather footage and build a foundation for the movie. This also makes the video project less monstrous. My first semester trip will be doing Habitat for Humanity in Birmingham, Alabama through Buck-I-Serv.

I have attended the kick off meeting and am planning to meet up with members of my trip. Regarding my video project, I have started taking some footage but will also use a portion of my Buck-I-Serv trip for my video. I will begin contact clubs and programs that promote outdoor adventure more second semester. This semester I’m mainly focused on getting a baseline of footage for the video and preparing for Buck-I-Serv.

Regarding both my projects, I would say I’m at a fairly comfortable spot. I cant do much for Buck-I-Serv besides attend the meetings, get to know the members, and get some education on the program and it’s goals. For the video, I just think I should be filming interesting activities that students could easily get involved in to get them off their phones and outdoors!

Clearly my project did deviate what I had originally in mind, but I am glad in the direction it is taking. Not only am I able to participate in Habitat for Humanity but I can also still do my video project. I think that everything has pretty much worked out for the better. I do recognize that the trip will be more concentrated work for a week where as the video will be spread out over time but I think the two different work styles will be an interesting and helpful way to show how specific projects require different work and time management strategies.