Three weeks into Earth Month challenge! I must say, this past week has definitely been harder than the past two. This week I eliminated all meat from my diet along with always carrying a water bottle or reusable mug everywhere I went, on top of not eating meat on Fridays, but this was expanded into no meat at all. Because I was practicing pescatarianism for some time, this challenge was entirely too bad and helped jump start me back on changing my diet to being a vegetarian. I am nervous for next week which is no dairy on top of all of the challenges I am working on now. This is going to be hard because I love cheese and ice cream! If I had to chose to do one thing differently to help with my challenge, I would say bring more snacks! Having filling snacks on hand really helps keep me full and not tempted to eat meat and unhealthy foods. I have learned that I have more will power than I would’ve thought and that eliminating meat isn’t really bad because there are still great food options! I have felt like I’ve had a little bit more energy since cutting out meat, which is a plus! My CO2 savings for this week were a whopping 91 pounds! I calculated this because each vegetarian day that I ate saved eight pounds lbs., multiplied by seven days a week totals to 56 lbs. of CO2 saved plus the 5 pounds of CO2 I saved each day for using a recyclable water bottle, seven days a week is an additional 35 pounds. Approximately I have saved over 134 pounds of CO2 during these past three weeks. I would say I probably saved around $30 this week due to not buying disposable water bottles and having vegetarian meals be slightly cheaper in most cases. I am very nervous for this nondairy week but I believe it’s possible! I’m going to have to stock up on almond milk, which luckily I recently trained myself to like.