About Me


Hello all,

I am Elizabeth Mancuso. I currently am a student at The Ohio State University studying neuroscience. I am also apart of the Environment & Natural Resources Scholars Program here in Columbus. I plan to go either pre-med or towards the research side of neuroscience. I am an avid runner, vinyl collector, guitar/piano player, and baker. Despite my gymnastics background, I walk slightly to the right and am pretty clumsy (I usually deny that part to my friends, though). In my free time, when I’m not playing with my dog or at the beach, I like volunteering and exercising.  Over my high school career I racked up over 250 service hours, so naturally one would wonder if I ever had a life, but I still made time for sports (soccer, cheerleading, cross country, triathlons, and gymnastics) and jobs which have taught me a lot about working with people and tough situations. I am a visual learner and as a student throughout high school I became very good at teaching myself and studying. I hope to gain a solid research opportunity throughout college and hopefully a job. In case you’re wondering where I’m from, I spent my years in the suburbs outside of Cleveland, Ohio (which explains my devotion to their sports teams). Interestingly enough, I have lived in 11 different houses and 7 different cities, so I am comfortable with new situations and change. I love being outdoors, doing a range of things from hiking, to fishing, and boating. I have climbed Mt. Marcy twice in the past two years (the highest point in the Adirondacks) and hope for higher summits to come. If I had to do anything with my life I would love to be a doctor conducting research on neurodegenerative diseases or cancer, have a family with a couple dogs, retire early, open a bakery, and still have time to sail on Lake Erie. Growing up I have always been in tune with nature and connected to the environment. Sustainability has always been in the back of my mind (things like not leaving the water running while brushing my teeth & shutting the lights off when I leave a room), but I am excited to learn more ways that I can make a difference through ENR Scholars. Adventure has been my biggest liaison to mother nature. A few of my favorite experiences would be waterfall climbing, cliff jumping, and spelunking (cave diving). I can’t wait for bigger adventures to come while leading a clean and green lifestyle.

Go Bucks,


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