Layers: Deep Space: Process


My research for this assignment primarily consisted of note taking in regard to concept statements, and brain mapping about what deep space is and means.

First section of notes about concept statement. Also includes an in class exercise where we gathered different words related to Deep Space.
Second Section of notes regarding concept statements.
Third section of notes regarding concept statements
Fourth section of notes regarding concept statements.
Mind Map about Deep Space
Personal Concept notes: brainstorming materials, feelings, elements and principles involved in my design.

Exercise 1-

This exercise was meant to aid in comfortability with vector files and the laser cutter. The goal was to take one, or multiple, of our initials and play with the negative space to make an image in it that represents something about our personality. I chose my last initial, ‘M’, and drew the silhouette of a cat, because I have three cats and they are a large part of my life.


Filled in image of exercise done in illustrator
Final physical version of Exercise 1


First sketches of potential project ideas.
Secondary sketch of cave concept.
First vector file attempt of cave concept.


Concept Statement:

Deep space is vast, to the point of being incomprehensible. To imagine Deep Space is to visualize something without end. Using the subject of underground space illustrates submersion into the unknown. The use of value creates visual hierarchy within the design as contrast in grey scale guides your eyes around the image and eventually narrows in on the deepest point. While value combined  with contrast give the illusion of darkness and a sense of sinking, the use of angular lines to create earthen forms, gives a sense of danger or the feeling of nervousness. The use of layering allows a very literal sense of depth to exist in the design, as the farthest point lies the furthest from the viewer. Overlapping materials also encourage the visual of depth as they make the space appear more realistic and interactive, which also improves the sense of vastness by making the space illustrated appear larger


After writing a concept statement and spending time on iterations, I settled on a vector file for my final project.

Final vector file made using the pen tool in illustrator

Once I had a file I was happy with, I began working on construction ideas. First, I did a small test run of my files through cricut and layered them directly on top of one another using glue.

First mock up done using the cricut

Next, I hand cut similar layers to my vector file and practiced constructing a 3D project by gluing small squares of cardboard along the edges between my layers. Then I constructed side pieces with tabs to insert along the edges allowing the outside of my assignment to appear seamless.

Front view of hand cute 3D model
Tilted view of hand crafted 3D model

After making two successful models, I used the cricut to cut out the layers for my final product, size 8.5inx11in. After cutting out my layers, I found them to be different sizes rather than identical, and ended up hand cutting the edges to make each piece of paper the same size, which was  7.75X10.5.

Once cut to size, I cut up small cardboard squares and began gluing them between my layers using tacky glue. After all of my layers were pieces together, I cut out strips with tabs to be placed along the edges, which I then glued into place using tacky glue.

Angled view of side covers
Top view of final project
Detail image taken from an angle
Second detail image taken straight on.


Completing this project expanded my understanding of Illustrator, which could translate to other vector programs. Specifically, I gained a better idea of how to merge shapes, utilize layers, and the function of a vector file. In choosing a more abstract visual for my project, I tackled implied feelings rather than very specific forms, which is out of character for me and a learning process within itself. In retrospect, I wish i would have added a few more layers in black to the back part of the cave to introduce further depth within darkness, but I am overall proud of my concept and look forward to continuing to grow in my craft and making my ideas come to life.

Link to Portfolio Post:

Layers: Deep Space