Mashup: Process


My research started with listening to a required podcast about the history of mashup words:

I also used a royalty free image as inspiration for my project:

Dog picture used as inspiration in my project.


Exercise one asked us to create an isometric version of our initials or name, and use the font and color choices to make a statement about our personality.

I began this exercise using hand techniques in illustrator after choosing a font similar to my signature. First I inserted an isometric grid into illustrator and used it to make an isometric cube with grid lines. Then I used the pen tool tool to map out my initials in an isometric point of view, using my chosen font as inspiration.

Placement of my initials in isometric








After placing my initials I began to make them 3D by pushing them backwards into my cube.

3D initials in progress and place on my isometric grid
3D hand drawn initials








After creating a hand drawn version, I proceeded to do the exercise using a combination of photoshop and illustrator, which allowed me to use a typed font. When placing my font in isometric, I used red, yellow, and blue to fill the letters because I am a big fan of primary colors.

Typed font from photoshop made 3D in illustrator

After making my font 3D, I removed the isometric grid and added a background. I ended up changing the colors to more accurately my personality rather than interests. I used mellow cool tones because I am generally a slightly melancholy, relaxed person, and I added a pop of a toned done reddish mauve color to add interest and show a more fiery/warm side to my personality.

Final composition for Exercise 1


My iterations began after choosing three mashup words to experiment with. I first placed them in isometric perspective, and then made rough sketches of what my compositions might look like for each of my words.

‘Diggle’ in isometric
First attempt at ‘Smose’ in isometric
Second draft of ‘Smose” in isometric

‘Appaution’ in isometric






Rough sketch for ‘Smose’
‘Appaution’ rough sketch
First sketch for ‘diggle’
Additive sketch for ‘diggle’
Final iteration for ‘diggle’


The first step in production was making a list of 30 words and using those to put together mashup words.

Table of Mashup Words












After making my table of words, I narrowed it down to my three favorites, and made short lists of ideas for how to make compositions for each word.

Notes regarding potential compositions














I then took those notes and applied them to iterations as seen previously. Ultimately I decided to proceed with my ‘Diggle” composition in the shape of a wiener dog. A core part of that concept required my letters to form the shape of the dog’s body, which made isometric very difficult. After multiple failed trials, I decided to draw my letters in isometric before inserting them into the shape of a wiener dog.  I also chose to vary the orientation in which my letters were  drawn to create a wiggly visual. Once satisfied with my letter placement, I used to create a color story, and began inserting those colors.

First color insertion into my composition













Second attempt at color













With a color story in mind and my letters placed, I used the pen tool  in illustrator to begin drawing the feet, tail, head, and an ear. I also used the pen tool to fill in my dogs’ body, but realized my letters were too spaced out to feel like a body, so I adjusted the letter size and placement before I finished filling in my dog.

Filled in composition with adjusted letters.


Lastly I added the dictionary style definition of my word to my composition.

Final Mashup Poster














Working on this assignment gave me a better idea of where I am lacking in my visual communication.  While in some ways I feel my craft via illustrator has improved through this assignment, I was faced with a creative block when it came to the components I was crafting. I specifically struggled with manipulating the letters themselves, and wish I had been able to devote more time to taking my composition a couple steps further. I believe that I have successfully communicated my mash up word, but I do not believe this is my best work.  One of the biggest things that sabotaged my ability to finish this assignment to it’s full potential was lack of time management between this project and my other assignments.

Link to Portfolio Post-

