
blacksq1Study tips from memory researchers

(An article presents eight learning tips.  It is always helpful to be familiar with the science of learning.)

blacksq2Moral decisions in a foreign language

(A surprising study about making decisions about problems presented in a native and a foreign language.)

blacksq3Language affects how you think

(Interesting cultural information about gendered languages and how the speakers of such languages perceive reality.)

blacksq4 How language shapes one’s view of the world

(An article about different ways various languages organize and categorize the reality of the speakers.)

blacksq5Fascinating lecture about language and worldview by Dr. Lera Boroditsky: How Languages Help Us Construe and Construct

blacksq67 Language – Learning Myths.  Points out that in comparison to other languages, English contains less cultural nuances.  To be successful our students need to learn cultural norms of other countries.


blacksq7Langues and drugs.

blacksq8Foreign language and “talent”




Spanish language study resources:

dotSpanish language dictionary

dotSpanish Audio Dictionary

dotOn-line Spanish keyboard



dotMás Arriba exercises

dotBeginning Spanish Textbook

dotSpanish 1 Textbook a fun way to read the webAqui_hablamos_español

dotSpanish Learning Lab

dotOn-line Spanish textbook

dotOn-line Spanish textbook 2

dotSpanish dict

dotNews in slow Spanish

dotSpanish Internet TV

dotLive mocca

dotGames for language study

dot  Blog de español

dotEducational Materials in Spanish (Educatina)

dotAll about corn

dotAll about the weather

dotPodcasts for language learning



picture credit:

By Español patriota (http://españ [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons