Study tips from memory researchers
(An article presents eight learning tips. It is always helpful to be familiar with the science of learning.)
Moral decisions in a foreign language
(A surprising study about making decisions about problems presented in a native and a foreign language.)
Language affects how you think
(Interesting cultural information about gendered languages and how the speakers of such languages perceive reality.)
How language shapes one’s view of the world
(An article about different ways various languages organize and categorize the reality of the speakers.)
Fascinating lecture about language and worldview by Dr. Lera Boroditsky: How Languages Help Us Construe and Construct
7 Language – Learning Myths. Points out that in comparison to other languages, English contains less cultural nuances. To be successful our students need to learn cultural norms of other countries.
Spanish language study resources: a fun way to read the web
Educational Materials in Spanish (Educatina)
Podcasts for language learning
picture credit:
By Español patriota (http://españ [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
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