Text Review: Season 4 of New Girl (Jess and Schmidt Romances)

In the TV show New Girl, there are many themes explored throughout the seven seasons of the show, including friendship, loyalty, romance, and living life to the fullest. During the fourth season, the main character Jess starts to explore new relationships. Schmidt dates a politician, but rediscovers his feelings for Cece and proposes to her in the last episode of the season. This discussion will be centered around these romances, focused on identity and power.

With Jess’ romantic suitors, power is one of the greatest themes. She goes on dates with a magician and a street artist, both in her opinion are somewhat “lowly” careers, especially compared to her, a vice-principal. The power she holds over them, having a seemingly “better” career, makes her say no to more dates with these men. However, once meeting the new science teacher at her middle school, she cannot help but have feelings for him. Jess knows that it is looked down upon to be dating some inferior to her (job/position wise), but once he makes his feelings known to her, she lets go of all power held over this man. It is quite interesting that power really is just a state of mind, a perspective- think about it- people are in powerful positions because we let them. The president of the USA is elected- we give this person the power. These scenarios show that power can be held by anyone, what matters is getting enough people to back someone to have power.

Schmidt struggles with both identity and power with his two suitors. First, Schmidt dates a politician, Fawn, who Schmidt is baffled by her power significantly. She is a strong, confident woman, who knows how to work with the media and the public. Although Schmidt is ranked high as a marketer, next to Fawn, he becomes her “eye candy” and simply remains that. One of the quotes straight from Schmidt’s future wife, Cece, sarcastically puts it perfectly: “No! No woman’s ever been attracted to power and success,” which is clear: power truly can truly have a hold over someone. At the end of the season, Schmidt comes around to discover that he cannot stand to not have power, and proposes to Cece. Yet, their different religious views (Schmidt- Jewish, Cece- Hindi) and races (Schmidt often jokes about their “beautiful caramel-colored babies that they will make”), Cece’s mom does not approve of them being together for these reasons. At the end of the day, as cheesy as it might sound, the two of them prove that love wins over anything else, and any difference that stands in the way.

This season allows the audience to identify with the main characters and create a conversation around what the audience particularly thinks about identity and power- if they were in the same situations as these characters, what would they do? Would they go against rules and ideals of power to date someone? Would they go against the approval of others to marry each other?

Yo, Is This Sexist? Column

It is 2021. Why I still have to write about sexism towards women blows my mind, but in order for maybe one day, my daughters and their daughters and thereafter will never have to experience sexism again, it is necessary for us to continue discussing this inequality in our world. The thing about sexism is that it is not limited to one singular profession or part of life, it can in fact be applied anywhere, in the workplace, signing a lease for an apartment, buying a car, and the list goes on and on. Specifically in this column, the discussion is focused around sexism towards women in the workplace, and even more specifically, the lack of women as CEOs, the sexism they experience at the top, and also, the discrimination women face when trying to make their way up to the top. 

Ad in support of speaking out about sexism in the workplace

First, in order to understand this issue clearly, it is important to dive into the two types of sexism and the roots of how sexism even began. Any reader knows and can think of obvious examples of the roots of sexism, with women being placed to be the “gathers” of food while men were subjected to being the “hunters” of food, therefore leading women to assume more “simplistic”, perhaps, roles throughout history, leaving “tougher” roles to men. Then, this led to the defining of gender roles and tasks as “feminine” and “masculine”. 

In a study conducted at the University of Chicago by economists, it was discovered that “white women born in parts of the United States where sexist attitudes are more prevalent grow up to earn less and to work less than women born elsewhere, relative to men born in those same states.” Even if you were to move from Indiana to Ohio where levels of sexism are extremely high to low, respectfully, it still does not matter for white women. In this case, if a white woman was born in Indiana and moved to Ohio, she most likely grew up potentially not knowing could “affect a woman’s willingness to bargain for higher wages…” which “…must be something of a product of where they’re from, and continues to affect them now.” An example that Dr. Charles, one of the economists involved in this study details that “a woman imbued with her value in the marketplace is likely to reject an insufficient raise.”  Throughout a woman’s career, it also does not completely depend on where you are from, but also where a woman moves to as well. The study gives an example of a woman moving from Indiana to a southern city where everything is centered around college football, and in order to remain relevant with her co-workers, she must learn everything there is to know about college football, along with expecting her to “take notes in meetings…interrupt her and wouldn’t look her in the eye”. 


% Experienced Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

The last sentence in the paragraph above mentioned one of the types of sexism there is…most people do not even know that there are two different types of sexism. The type of sexism described above is called hostile sexism, which is sexism that we are more typically familiar with: “obvious negative stereotypes, assessments or evaluations about a gender.” There is also benevolent sexism, which is ​​”subjectively positive attitudes of gender that are damaging to individuals (particularly women) and to gender equality more generally,” such as the “…assumption that women are inferior in some way, should be confined to traditional gender roles or need protection by men”. Women face both of these types of sexism in the workplace and more often than not, males do not realize that they are creating a sexist environment simply because they are not thinking about their actions and behaviors.


Will my gender affect my career? Perhaps

Now that there is a clear understanding of sexism, let us apply it to women moving up in the workplace and the discrimination still faced once at the top. In Jessica Nordell’s book The End of Bias: A Beginning, a simulated workplace is created and it discusses the “common, everyday slights” that are often overlooked and creates computer simulated data about sexism’s effect. At the end of the day, all of these little instances of sexism add up, one example being that “if a woman’s performance is undervalued by 3% over 10 years, it will take her 8.5 years to climb from entry-level employee to executive; a male peer will get there in four”. So while it already takes women extra time to get to the top, every single little instance of sexism can add up and derail a career. Yet, once reaching the top, it is still not a fair game for women as CEOs either. “Men tend to be threatened by powerful women,” and this causes “extreme jealousy and competitiveness” for lots of men. It is quite lonely for women in the C-Suite and there is not a lot of guidance and support from peers, especially male peers once making it up there. Instead, a woman in this position is seen as a threat to a male, as her being in this position is unacceptable and they must do everything to not have a woman at the top. These are all prime cases of sexism directed towards women, and honestly, it is really sad that this an issue; it seems like this is an insecurity and lack of confidence issue that some (if not all men) need to evaluate themselves and their actions and behavior towards women in the workplace, especially once reaching roles such as CEO.

This past semester, we have divulged into the topic of Othering, and certain instances when people and /or groups would be considered “Others”. It is not necessarily a term just to explain a group or a person who might be left out, different from the others, odd, etc., but rather describing these groups/persons as someone who does not align to your personal beliefs, ideals, and values. In this case, it is quite obvious to see that women, in different levels in the workplace, would be considered “Others” by men. An even greater issue is that there is not just one level in the workplace that women are considered “Others”, but it occurs all the way from entry level positions to CEO level, as discussed previously. Certain types of jobs also hold a degree of sexism towards women as well- historically, the number of female engineers and those in STEM roles has been smaller compared to males. Those fields are simply dominated by males and there is, one hundred percent, sexism towards women when applying, interviewing, and receiving the job- as the old-fashioned notion and phrase is coined as: “women are weaker than men and are not as good at math and/or science”. Sexism towards women is the root cause of what makes women “Others” in the workplace, and we all must do a better job at being able to close this gap that separates us as those in the workforce.

So, how can we make a difference? The greatest thing that women can ask of their male allies, is to “truly be aware” and “not be a bystander”. There are significant percentages that show that men can actually recognize sexism directed towards women in the workplace, but a mere 31% will actually act and create change, ask for help, report it, etc. Let us not be scared of our co-workers who have the same goals and values in mind for our company, but rather build each other up so that we can all feel one hundred percent ourselves in the workplace and express our ideas genuinely. We have all been in cases where we see something occurring and rather than acting, we simply ignore it and go on with our day. This is causing a huge amount of discrimination towards women in the workplace and we must be better about it. A few other personal favorite ways that we can help improve ourselves to be more aware about recognizing sexism and acting upon it: learning and asking. There are so many books out there on so many topics that can act as such value that you cannot necessarily always get from the internet. Look up books on sexism, especially trying to find books that discuss a personal experience with sexism, whether the author or someone close to them has experienced it in the book. But also, we should be honest with each other about experiencing these types of situations and debriefing- if comfortable, obviously. It is important that we learn from others’ experiences. Another helpful tip that I think workplaces should create is having a very clear and open policy about discussing sexism in the workplace. There needs to be often and detailed discussions about sexism where everyone is mandatory to attend and truly participate in, especially for men to learn that the system does not work for women and we struggle to deal with sexism issues that are directed towards women. 

As a future businesswoman, I worry. But at the same time, I, along with so many others, want to make a real difference about sexism towards women in the workplace, and we must work together to make that happen.


Sources in Order of Usage:






DSI Showcase: Gender Pay Gap & Discrimination in America

It is hard for me as a future businesswoman in America, someone who wants to go into high tech sales for a large high tech firm, to think about the fact that historically, white women only make 82 cents for every dollar earned for a white male. And it gets significantly worse if you are a woman of color stacked up to a white male. The gender pay gap is real and relevant, but even arguably more important is the significant gap between women of color versus males, especially white males. I really have to take a second, stop what I am doing, and realize that whatever job I end up with in the future post-college, is probably not going to be one that is paid evenly among my peers. Now, some of the time, this gap is due to the fact that people, especially women of color are not holding as high of roles within a company and are working lower-level positions, along with different sorts of experience, such as the ability to go to college or not. But I would tremendously argue that a lot of it is still due to discrimination within hiring practices and the workplace. One company that has gone above and beyond to close this gap of discrimination is IBM. IBM has removed nearly half of its’ job posting requirements to require a college degree (specifically a Bachelor’s) in order to open up their job opportunities to those who may have the skills required for a job, but maybe haven’t had the opportunity to professionally study in those roles, but is still well qualified for the job. Ending discrimination in the workplace is key to lowering the wage gap, especially for women of color.

A concept that can be applied to this discussion that we have previously talked about would be the concept of the “Other”. In this case, the “Other” can be referred to as women, especially women of color, especially when talking about women in the workplace. Men have typically always dominated in the workplace (especially white men) and held higher roles, such as directors and executives. Women, in general, are already considered the “Other” in the business world because they aren’t paid the same amount compared to men (hence the gender pay gap) but also struggle to get higher executive roles due to discrimination (such as not having a bachelor’s or even a graduate degree). One of my biggest goals is to work my way to be a CEO of a large high-tech firm and in the back of my mind, I want to make real, sincere efforts to end the wage gap and discriminatory practices, especially to women and all people of color.


Attached below is a comparison of women of color’s earnings compared to white men:

Attached below is other ways that employers accept candidates, without a bachelor’s degree:




Context Presentation: Aijaz Ahmad’s Critique of Jameson’s Rhetoric of Otherness

Ahmad’s most important comment in my opinion to Jameson’s Rhetoric of Otherness is his take on criticizing how Jameson wrote about the First and Second Worlds being defined by capitalism and socialism, while the Third World is characterized by their suffering. While reading Ahmad’s response, I was reminded of the very first video presentation we watched for this class with Adichie’s “The Danger of a Single Story” TEDx presentation. I think that it is super important that we remember that video when understanding Ahmad’s perspective; we should remember that there is more than just the struggles that are constantly on display by our media

There is an Instagram account called “Everyday Africa” which helps destroy the concept of a single story, specifically for the continent of Africa. The photographers behind Everyday Africa had been covering the more stereotypical “African” content- photo series of “violence, refugees, rape victims, et cetera” for a while before they decided to start covering more typical, average day shots. The idea behind posting these photos was the audience a glimpse of normal in a world full of chaos and show how profound the impact of media has on people and what they perceive about a place, situation, etc. The now 18 photographers part of this digital experience shows everything and anything: “people eating, hanging out, doing laundry, playing with their children…” while also getting “the good alongside the bad”. 

The best part of this project is that these photos are being integrated into children’s education, teaching them a more well-rounded depiction of what Third World countries such as all of the countries in Africa are like without the stereotypes that we have grown up with and are used to. In the Bronx, children were able to study these photos for eight weeks and learned about media, photography, and stereotypes, something I wish I was personally exposed to as a kid. Alongside Everyday Africa, there are spin-off accounts such as Everyday Asia, Everyday Middle East, and Everyday Eastern Europe, and even more country-specific accounts. 

These accounts are helping break the barrier of stereotypes for places all around the world and we are able to get a better perspective on what other foreign places are truly like without the labels of “poor” or “third world” or “suffering” strictly and wholly defining the area. Check out Everyday Africa here: https://www.instagram.com/everydayafrica/?hl=en




