Text Review Assignment: Yellowstone, Season 1

One of the newest and most obsessive TV show’s is Yellowstone.  With the season 4 premiere around 14.7 million people tuned in to watch the new drama.  Around this show is lots of realistic issues that America’s farmers and ranchers, Native Americans, and everyday people face.  The story throughout the season is about the death of a family and its ranch as outside influences begin to slowly ruin the family.  Season 1 helps establish the main conflicts as it shows the great difference in viewpoints of John Dutton, the owner of the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch, and antagonist like Thomas Rainwater.  Rainwater is a newly appointed chief of the Broken Rock Indian Reservation who attempts to make a point as Mr. Dutton’s cattle have broke the fence and gone into the reservation.  This starts a repeated battle between these two, Rainwater wants the land to be as his ancestors saw it and Mr. Dutton wants to raise cattle and continue his lifestyle.  The family faces endless controversy because of how the Dutton’s handle their issues in a “Wild-West” fashion.  Jamie Dutton is the second oldest of John’s children and in season 1 he slowly removes himself from the family as he discovers as if he doesn’t belong.  He is also a character who struggles with mental issue and a strong conflict with his sister Beth Dutton.  One of the best pieces of work to compare this series to is de Beauvoir’s One and Other.  I think one very easy comparison of this is The wranglers to John Dutton.  Several of these wranglers wear what is called “The Brand.”  This brand signifies their loyalty and life devotion to the Dutton Ranch and John himself.  So it easy to spot out that in this case John would be the one as he has full control over the other.  I would recommend watching this series for it is very interesting and entertaining.  Meanwhile it is able to teach life lessons and show cultures from parts of the United States we may not always think about.

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