Diary of Systemic Injustices Showcase: Gender Pay Gap

women vs men tug of war money

Systemic injustices are witnessed everyday of our life. An injustice I witnessed, discusses women’s intelligence in relation to their wage. According to “Independent,” a popular news source, women have been reported to “outperforming” men within academics although after they graduate there are not receiving the same pay in the United Kingdom. There are even more differences in wages depending on those with different backgrounds where those of color receive less. There are statistics recorded where there are differences in wage averaging from $5,000 to $20,000 in relation to men, depending on the area one lives in. This is not just a difference in currency, but a difference in treatment and respect. Those who do the same work, should receive the same pay regardless of the gender they identify as. Even if it is a dollar difference, or a 20 thousand dollar difference this inequality should not be present.

Although this focuses on education in the United Kingdom, these statistics are similar to those in America, especially with pay. This can spread among the world, as if lower wage becomes a “normal” outlook, then other countries will see this as a standard and expectation. This creates a huge impact on mental health, rights, equality, and overall the world’s presence and outlook. Gender is not a reason to title anyone, or make them feel less important. One’s gender is not an identification of one’s abilities or a determining factor of one’s rights. This impacts not just the history of women fighting for our rights, not just the present day women struggling to pay for their family, but also the future women scared of what changes there may be in the years to come. This presents a dementing outlook on both women and men, where this makes women feel as not enough, and makes men feel as though they are more powerful. This introduces not just years, but decades of fear of what can become and what else may become unequal. This is identified as a systemic injustice, as women are being mistreated and unappreciated defined by their gender.

Women are associated with labels of not being enough and are being represented as “others.” Within this class we discussed the feelings associated with being seen or treated as an “other” according to de Beauvoir. In result of this wage gap, women feel as though they are secondary to men and shadows of them, rather than feeling as a human being. This makes them feel as an “other,” not just in the eyes of society but in the eyes of themselves. This impact also is relevant within women’s determination and work ethic. Women are failing as a result of knowing their outcome is not equal, creating a setback in their mentality and work ethics. This is systemic because it is not just an individual being mistreated, but half the population, where the government and society are creating order that is not equal, where others are just sitting back and accepting.

The categories of identity in play are identifying one according to their gender. Being paid less despite having higher intelligence is mistreatment and unequal. This makes women feel as though they the “third world country” despite them excelling further in positions men are not.  This is identifying people based on their natural appearance and physical representation instead of who they truly are and their potential. In order for this wrong to be right, wages must be met. Wages must be set equal within specific jobs, no matter what someone’s gender, background, or ethnicity is. There must be equality in the workplace, as the workplace is what creates reality, and reality is what creates life within humanity. This difference in wage presents inequality not just within the workplace but outside of it, where women still feel as though their identities are insignificant. This treatment is effective throughout the daily life of women, where they are viewed as secondary to men and are stereotyped as “weak, and “sensitive.” This holds back women’s abilities in the workplace and in their everyday life as they constantly feel pressured and diminished.

This systemic injustice is similar to the novel, The Leavers, by Lisa Ko. This novel illustrates the life of immigration, where a young boy, Deming, is left by his mom in the United States. Deming is adopted into a new family where he attends school as the only student of color. This is similar to this issue of wage gap, as immigrants and women both have stereotypes associated with them making them feel as not enough and as “others,” where their background identifies who they are and what they deserve in the eyes of society. Deming feels as though he does not fit in, and constantly compares himself to those around him. Women also feel as though they too, do not fit in, as they do not receive the same rights as men. Similar to Deming, women are left out into society without any guidance, but rather ideologies that limit their abilities.



Women Still Paid Less Than Men: Oregon’s Gender Pay Gap


2 thoughts on “Diary of Systemic Injustices Showcase: Gender Pay Gap

  1. Great presentation diving deeper into the injustice that surrounds gender and individuals of color. This results in conscious discrimination based on hiring and pay distribution. The factors behind the pay gap can be influenced directly by discrimination based on gender, race, or ethnicity. Some of these factors include experience, differences in industries, and discrimination. In order for this injustice to be righted, updated legislation in regards to equal pay needs to be implemented. This has become a global issue of equality and economic security.
    In addition, I liked how you included a reference from our past reading into your showcase to support your ideas and provide an extra explanation for this injustice.

  2. Hello, I first wanted to say that I thought your post was quite informative, not only for systemic injustices happening in the United States but also for those happening overseas. I think it was critical that you highlighted the systemic injustice happening in regards to the pay gap both from a gender and race perspective, as I think oftentimes people tend to think of the issue going only one way. The stats you included, and the studies overall were a success in providing perspective to the rest of the argument. In terms of fixing this issue, there is a long way to go, and there are multiple issues to tackle here, as again both gender and race are a topic of mistreatment. Overall, I felt this was a great post and will do a great job of informing future readers.

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