Diary of Systemic Injustice: Texas Abortion Law

The systemic injustice that I would like to focus on for my showcase is Texas’ abortion law, senate bill (SB) 8. SB 8 bans abortion beginning as early as 6 weeks gestation, and also allows people to sue anyone who were to aid someone to get an abortion after 6 weeks into pregnancy in the state of Texas. A majority of women do not even know they are pregnant this early on! This bill is by far the most extreme abortion restriction bill in the country, and the only bill in its existence banning abortions that early into pregnancy. Though Texas has been the first state to take this major legal leap to ban abortions, it is fueling other states such as Ohio and Kentucky, to follow in its footsteps and plan to begin similar processes.

Banning abortions is a major injustice for women and their health. There are so many reasons why abortion exists. There needs to be consideration for the women who are victims of rape and sexual assault who are now pregnant from their assailant- a constant reminder and after effect of their life changing trauma. Additionally, there are several health complications that exist during pregnancy that can make the baby, the mom, or both of their lives at risk! Sometimes, abortion is the only way to save the mothers life. We also cannot forget about the many women who cannot care for or are ready for a child due to hundreds of reasons, some of which include substance abuse, abusive relationships, poverty, financial hardship, homelessness, lack of stability, the list is endless. Abortion IS healthcare for women. Why do a bunch of rich white men get to dictate and decide if a woman can have an abortion or not? Government leaders will tell us that this is a good thing to exist, when in actuality- it is a power control over women and their bodies.

If there was a bill introduced that made it law for men to take male birth control- there would be mass outrage across the nation, but they don’t want to talk about that because it’ll never happen. Banning abortions is not going to stop people from needing and even obtaining abortions- it’s going to create an even bigger need for it to happen, and cause women to seek unsafe and unhealthy abortion alternatives in fear of being refused a safe abortion with a clinician or in fear of being prosecuted. I feel terrified knowing that if SB 8 passes into permanent law, and even worse, other states follow through in their path, our nation is going to turn into a real-life Handmaid’s Tale.






2 thoughts on “Diary of Systemic Injustice: Texas Abortion Law

  1. Great job! I totally agree with your opinion about Texas’ abortion law. I also think this law is so extreme. As you said, there are many reasons for abortion. If a mother does not want a child, but the law and government force her to give the birth to the child, who should be responsible for the child’s future. the government certainly will not take care of the child like a mother. Since the mother is responsible for the child’s future, women should have right to decide whether they have child or not.

  2. I agree with your take on Texas’ abortion law. I believe women should be able to have abortions once they find out they are pregnant. If a woman has been raped she should not have to carry the child of that mans. If a mother is not ready for a child or can not take care of a child she should not have to give birth to that child because this could just end up making the child suffer. It should ultimately be up to the women to make this decision because it is her own body, not the governments.

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