One thing that I see as an injustice is not so much racial but in jobs. My mom has been a preschool teacher for nearly twenty years now. She has always taught in what classifies as low-income or inner-city schools. Seeing what my mom had to do for her job throughout the years always makes me think she is underpaid for the job she is tasked with. Teaching the youngest generation my mom has always put the most work in to try and ensure her kids are ready for when they go to kindergarten. Unfortunately the school system is something that does not always have the availability of funding that would be what she needs. Many times I know my mom has had to spend her own money to snore kids have proper supplies and they can learn to the best of their ability. A sad issue that she has had is kids having proper hygiene. There has been times where my mo. has bought clean clothes for her kids because she recognizes that they come to school with the same clothes over and over. She has always had a big heart and cares more about other than herself. I believe this is an issue that needs to be addressed because handling that age of children is a task that is very challenging. Watching a group of eighteen preschool-age kids is challenging but add into the mix of having to potty train and have the kids learn is an immense task. Being where my mom works, she has also had to deal with parents using drugs around their children and also has had to report many issues to child services regarding abuse. The teaching field in general is one that requires a lot of work for any of those involved and in my mind is very underpaid for the task of teaching and in preschool what could be considered babysitting. This connection reminds me of the Self and Other concept we learned about. I think it reminds me of that because my mother along with other teachers put theirselves last as the Other and put the kids first as the Self. My mother would work 12 hour days and of course not all of that is paid but she choose to put her kids needs over herself because they are helpless and are unable to.
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Hi! This showcase is very informative and significant to all of life today. Throughout our life school systems have been present since we were young. But one may fail to acknowledge the fundings our teachers received. Those snacks, or supplies we thought were apart of the school could easily have been from our teachers pocket. Teachers spend every day of their lives educating students to set them out to work for their own jobs that end up usually paying more than the teachers. This issue must be addressed as it is apparent within all lives.
Hello, I enjoyed reading your diary showcase! It was very interesting to hear about your moms job and what she does for all those kids. I think that what she, along with the other teachers, does for the kids is great. I also agree how this is a significant issue that should be addressed. All kids deserve an equal chance to learn, be protected, be healthy, and be successful in life.