Diary of Systematic Injustices Showcase

Back at the start of October the LAIST ran an article about a black family owned beach resort in Manhattan Beach, California that was seized by the city under eminent domain. The Bruce’s bought the land back in 1912 and over the following years “It (…) expanded to include a bathhouse, kitchen and large dance floor.” (Meares Para. 10) with these additions came more and more black families to the area. This in turn created a little safe space on Manhattan Beach for black families to enjoy. However, in the 1920s a southern California was experiencing a real estate boom, and a real estate agent named George Lindsey wanted to take advantage of this. He learned that there was a loophole in the state’s 1909 Park and Playground Act. According to the act “When the public interest or convenience requires, the legislative body may acquire by condemnation land situated in the city for improvements.” (CA Code Section 38010) with this and the ever growing presence of the KKK George was able to persuade the city to buy the Bruce’s property for dirt cheap. Dirt cheap in the 1920s was $14,500 which is $105,500 less than what the Bruce’s thought they were owed. $14,500 is equivalent to $232,602 today. On top of this theft, the land is now valued at over $75 million.         BRUCE'S BEACH                    (The Bruce’s Property as of April 19, 2021. Source: Getty Images)


Brandford, one of the family members went on to say “Let’s look at the Gettys. Let’s look at the Rockefellers. Let’s look at the Fords. Let’s look at the Bushes. Let’s look at the Kennedys. That’s what generational wealth could look like for the Bruce family.” (Staff Para. 10) Due to the KKKs involvement this family has lost tens of millions of dollars in land value alone, no one can begin to imagine what they could have done with this land to raise its value. However, now that it is back in the hands of a black family it will probably be valued far less due to biased real estate appraisals. We will only have to wait and see what the family is able to do with their new property.




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