
For my peer interview I sat down and talked with Kim, a future Physical Therapy student who is currently in the middle of her application process.

Kim decided she wanted to go into PT after an injury she sustained when she was 16 running cross country in high school. Her interest only grew from there, and she applied to The Ohio State University aiming to graduate with a Bachelors of Science in Psychology. Kim is currently a junior at The Ohio State University.

I asked Kim about the courses she took, and how she felt about them. She told me that she took Biology 1114 and all of the other additional coursework required for Physical Therapy schools such as abnormal psychology, medical terminology, and more. Even as a third year in college Kim said, for her, Gen Chem II (1220) still remains the hardest course she took.

I asked Kim if she had any advice to give to a freshman with thoughts of going into physical therapy, and she definitely had good thoughts to share. Kim told me to start looking and planning sooner rather than later, and stay ahead of the game. She also recommended taking the five credit hour anatomy course, and the five credit hour physiology course WITH a lab if possible. She also recommended joining the Pre-PT club, shadowing, and looking into what type of PT specialization (such as in patient/ out patient, geriatrics, etc.) I am interested in most.

My interview with Kim went very well, and she was extremely helpful and kind. Her advice was sound and I truly appreciated what she had to tell me. Thank you Kim!