
Week 7: keys to motivation

In this weeks class lesson I learned about motivation. Before this class lesson I have always been the type of person to lack motivation whether it be school related or personal. But this module helped me improved my motivations. One of the things I learned in this chapter that is very useful for me is trying to eliminate online distractions. When I have my laptop or my iPad or my phone I am easily tempted to explore and go to other websites that I’m not suppose to be doing while trying to complete an online assignment. This lesson taught me to turn off  everything that will distract me like my emails, messages, and apps. This one tip relates to me so much because I get easily distracted from everything and this little advice will help me improve little by little. This lesson also suggested that I should turn my computer to airplane mode and I’ve never thought about it, but it’s something I am willing to try. Also in this weeks module I was introduced to an app called tomato timer and I think this app is so helpful and amazing and it will help you with distractions and motivates you to continue to do your work until the timer goes off. This is very convenient and very useful as well because it allows you to set break from your assignment. It will also allow me to control my break because I’m the type of person to take long breaks when I’m doing assignments. To my fellow peers I want you to go find tools that works with you  and it will allow you to also be successful.

Week 6: searching and researching

In this weeks lesson we learning about different search strategies and how to make sure a source is crediable. In this weeks lesson I learned that there is three aspects you sohuld always consider when finding a crediable source which is reliability, quality, and utility. When it comes to searching I’ve always thought I was good at finding inforamtion on the interent but, I guess not I didn’t know there were specific steps you were supposed to follow when it comes to searching. When I would search I would always go for websites that ended in .gov, .org, edu. But I came to realize that just because something ends in those three endings doesn’t mean its crediable. I also learned that a lot of .org websites are not realiable because there are paid by people just likeosome of the .gov websites. Something I already put into practice is using Wikipedia to get background information, and explanations. You shouldn’t rely on wikipedia becuase many people have access to it and can modify it as well so it’s not a very good reliable source. After this lesson I would start asking questions in regards to my searches. I will start to look around the website and see if it’s professional and making sure credentials are listed on the website and asking if the article is up to date and the information is very consistent. To my fellow peers I want us to start reviewing website’s carefully and making sure its very reliable and it’s a good source to use whether it be an academic paper or not. Remember Just becuase sometihng ends in .gov, or .org doesn’t mean its crediable.

Module 4 reflection

In this lesson we learned about online learning strategies and skills. This module showed different strategies that included active reading, interacting with your online materials, and also working on assignment or activity one at a time and the last thing is using technology tools to better understand materials . I’ve never been good with learning information in school, I’ve always wrote what the teacher typed in their slide and copy word for word and I would be confused when I went back to study but I wouldn’t understand and any of it.  In this lesson It showed me to use technology in a way to learn materials and I think this is very good. We live in a society where technology is all around us so why not use it to your best of abilities.  Some Of the technology base I will use for frequently is quizlet. Quizlet will help me memorize materials in a timely manner and I can see how the things I already know and the things I need more practice on. Another thing from this weeks lesson that I am going to implement in my everyday life is learning to work on one assaignment at a time. I’ve always liked multitasking on assignment but sometimes it can be a little confusing because you forgot what assignment you’re working in a specific class. This lesson also suggests that I turn off my phone and email when writing a paper or even studying for a test to eliminate every distraction. I am bad at this but I will try to put my phone away will doing work. To my peers I want you to know what study method works will for you.

module 3 reflection

In this week’s module, I learned wisely about managing your free time. I’ve never really handled my time wisely, and I’ve never been good at it. This week at school, my teacher canceled the class for both days so we could work on the assignment and I had four days to do it, but I waited until the day before the assignment was due to do it. I was up until two o’clock in the morning trying to do the task that I could finish a few days ago, but I just wasted time not doing it. In this week’s class lesson, we used google spreadsheets to track our time spent for the whole week. I’ve found that I spend more time on social media and Netflix than doing my homework or reading. In this lesson, it showed me that in order to do a lot of work, I should break it down, because a big task can be intimidating. I’m going to start breaking my assignments into smaller pieces. One day of planning, the next day of writing, and finally the next day of revision. Now, the module mentions that it also uses a calendar, but I am now using a calendar for my task, but I’m forgetting about it. But I’m going to try to stay consistent with that. To my classmates and peers, I want you guys to manage your time wisely so you don’t have to rush to do the assignment.

Module 2 Reflection

In this week’s module, I’ve learned about time management. Time management and procrastination are two things I’ve struggled with since high school. When it comes to time management and procrastination they both correlate with one another. I’ve always had this mindset that if I wait the last minute to do the assignment it will be my best one because I do best when I’m under pressure. But it turned out to be not the best logic. For example, let say I would have an assignment that is do in a week I would look at it when its posted and tell myself that, that assignment is easy to do not knowing there’s a lot of components that go into that one assignment. Another problem I have is time management and how I do not know how to use my time wisely. For example, I had a four-hour break yesterday, and i could have done some of my home works that were due this week but instead, I chose to watch movies on Netflix that whole four hours and I also socialized with my friends instead of doing work. This module showed me that if I do not manage my time wisely and stop procrastinating it would be on me and it would also reflect on my grades in college and it also showed me I can not go on with my college careers having that mentality in my head. My advice to my classmates and other college students is to do your assignments as soon as you get it to eliminate any headache you might have if you did it last minute.