County Conservation Club Meeting 3.20.2022
Written by Edison Feliks, News Reporter
The County Conservation Club met on March 20th, 2022, at the Gwynne Conservation Cabin. Luke Hensley called the meeting to order, and Justin Jackman led the pledges. Officers were elected during the meeting. Our 2022 officers include President – Sophia Hensley, Vice President – Gus Feliks, Secretary – Rachel Jackman, Treasurer – Ben Entzminger, News Reporter – Edison Feliks, Flag Bearer – Hope Morris, Health and Safety Officer – Justin Jackman, Historian – Lucas Hensley, Recreation Leader – Adeline Thompson, and Snack Coordinator – Laith Terry. All officers were encouraged to register and attend the April 6th statewide virtual officers training. Register at by March 30th. The club voted to have a fundraising committee and a community service committee. The meeting was adjourned, and the members enjoyed snacks from the Hensley family while watching Gus Feliks complete a presentation on the History of Archery. Our next meeting will be April 3rd.