Photo Partner Project – Anna Baker

This is a photo of Anna Baker. Anna is such a sweet and talented girl. For this project, Anna and we went to dinner a couple of times in order to get to know each other. We talked about random things, and I was happy to find out that getting to know each other was not awkward at all. I felt comfortable talking to Anna. She is the type of person who can laugh at my silliness without being judgmental. She is also a very caring person. She made sure to ask about my life and comfort me when I was feeling overwhelmed. Also, I was impressed by Anna’s ability to include others and just be a genuinely good person and friend. I barely even knew Anna and she invited me to go on a beach vacation with her! I quickly found out that Anna is the type of person who likes to get things done and still have fun. She is an impressive planner. I was so impressed with how organized she is. For example, Anna was planning her beach vacation and within a few minutes she was able to accommodate my roommate and me into her plans.

I am very glad that I was able to get to know Anna Baker. She is very easy to get along with and knows how to have a good time. I chose this picture of Anna because I think it accurately describes how she is always ready to go and laugh. Anna is pictured here holding her lanyard; patiIMG_5185ently waiting to go to dinner while I was being silly on the South Oval. Even though we were trying to get to our destination, she still took the time to laugh and be silly with me! In this picture, I captured Anna acting as she always is; ready to go with a positive attitude.