Year in Review

My first year in college flew by! Every week and every month felt so long in the moment, but looking back on it, where did the time go? I experienced a lot in my first year at Ohio State, more than I could have ever imagined. One thing that specifically impacted me from inside the classroom is when the ENR scholars watched the documentary, “Chasing Coral.” I learned that the oceans are affected by carbon dioxide more than our atmosphere. Carbon dioxide traps heat and ends up affecting the ocean’s temperature and the life that exists under water. I was not aware of how fast coral reefs are bleaching or how little time coral reefs will be on Earth. After watching this film, I have a better understanding of how humans affect life around us and different precautions we can take to minimize our impact. One thing I learned outside the classroom came from a book lent to me by a friend. I am a big Bill Nye fan, so my friend let me borrow the book, “Unstoppable” by Bill Nye. This book also focuses on how humans impact the world and what we can do to provide future generations with the best possible version of what we have today. I learned that methane is another gas that traps heat like carbon dioxide. Methane actually holds 30% more heat than carbon dioxide! One of the biggest sources of methane comes from livestock, often raised for meat and dairy products.

Throughout this year, I have been able to explore many different passions. I learned that I am passionate about the outdoors! I already knew I enjoyed being outside and being active, but this year made me realize I want to pursue a career that can allow me to continue learning and exploring nature. I would like to be able to go into an engineering field that works with renewable energy to combine my passions in math, science, and nature. I have had so many fun memories from this year, it is hard to choose a favorite. My top two favorite moments from first year have to be the backpacking trip with scholars and the Xichigan football game. The ENR backpacking trip through Dolly Sods, West Virginia allowed me to take a few days off during fall break to enjoy outside with my friends and not worry about school. This trip was also my first backpacking experience and I loved it! I grew up going camping and hiking through national parks every single summer. My family didn’t do beach vacations. Backpacking combined my two favorite aspects of my family vacations. The Xichigan football game was also so much fun! The energy in Ohio Stadium during every big play was unmatched. I had so much fun because the stadium was packed and everyone was loud and cheering the entire game. All the best parts of Ohio State football games lasted the entire game. Plus, we won 62-39, not too bad.

Although this year was so much fun and I am sad for it to end, I am very excited for next year too. I am excited to live in a suite with my friends and be able to watch sports with them and hang out in our common space when we have free time. I am also very excited to apply for my major and start taking the Mechanical Engineering classes I have been waiting for instead of just prerequisite courses.