Second Year Series Pt. 2

For this month’s post, I decided to do another second. year series because of the importance of finding myself a second year project. Now that I am VP of Academics for my sorority, I am not allowed to study abroad next year, which leaves me in a tough spot, considering that was my intention for this project. Hoping to get some inspiration, I went to this month’s meeting, to which this was the summary:

  1. a girl took part in breast cancer research, where she studied the use of music in non-pharmacologic treatments (to treat side effects of some breast cancer medications). I though that was interesting, but I at first I didn’t understand how this would be considered a project because of the international affairs aspect. I was expecting a vague “there is breast cancer everywhere” response, but instead received a well-thought-out response. She spoke of international players in this research (a professor in England) and it got me thinking about how important global differences and perspectives are in these situations – but also in a sense that is not limited to health care. She also spoke about how due to the research, she now hopes to study abroad in Japan, experience the culture and their healthcare system, which is another form of international affairs furthering its involvement in a possible career path.
  2. another girl took part in STEP to study abroad in South Korea. In the end, the applications and the process for attaining the trip counted as the IA second year project, even though the study abroad got cancelled for her. I feel like the international affairs aspect to this is fairly obvious, so I will not elaborate. She did, however, say that she hopes to do an internship abroad eventually now that her original trip was called off.

The idea of internships got me thinking, so I did research on Department of Defense and State Department internships. Their international affairs impact is obvious I would assume. It struck me as odd that most of the scholarships/internships were not put up for this year (ex: the Summer Rangel Enrichment Scholarship is not up for the upcoming year, etc.). It also struck me as odd how they varied in paid vs. unpaid programs, and what the application requirements were (the screenings and whatnot). I hope to (1) find an internship to which I am eligible, since most of the ones I have found are either closed or for seniors and (2) through this process figure out if the on-going idea of internships discussed at this meeting is something I could use for my second year project as well.


Till next time!

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