
Fall Newsletter

Hello 4-H Families,

Fall is here! I don’t know about anyone else but it is my favorite time of the year. Changing leaves, warm apple cider, hay rides, and my favorite; COOLER WEATHER! As we get ready for the winter months now is a perfect time to start thinking about what 4-H project you are going to take next year. Just a few reminders: every club must meet at least 6 months out of year, all club members and club advisors must be enrolled in 4honline, 4-H members taking multiple projects please make sure you are registering those projects in 4honline and if you are not taking a project anymore take it out of 4honline.



County News

4-H Super Saturday!

Lucas County 4-H is hosting their 2nd annual 4-H Super Saturday this Saturday, October 9th from 10:00am-12:00pm at the Lucas County Fairgrounds in the 4-H Clubroom. It is open to anyone age 8-18 and it is FREE this year. You do not have to be member of 4-H to attend so if you have friends that want to get a taste of 4-H then invite them as well. With over 200 projects available to take you might not know about some of the new projects (or maybe even some of the old projects). We are going to explore 6 different projects areas through hands-on activities. Some of the activities will even give you a kick start on completing the project. The 6 project areas include:

  • Edible Landscapes
  • Science Fun With Electricity
  • Seeing Through Graphic Design
  • Getting Started in Art
  • Cake Decorating
  • All About Dogs

Click here to register:

Important Dates

  • March 1- Re-enrollment deadline
  • April 1- New enrollment deadline
  • July 11-July 17- Lucas County Fair
  • July 21-July 24- Lucas County 4-H Camp
  • January 20- Lucas County 4-H Advisor Training

Join us on Facebook!

Check out all of the most up t0 date information on what’s happening in 4-H throughout the county and around the state. 

State News

State 4-H Leadership Camp

Leadership Camp Info:

  • Date: June 1-5, 2022 (camper check in at 2:00 p.m.; Dismissal at 10:30 a.m.).  Full time attendance is required.
  • Location: 4-H Camp Ohio, St. Louisville, Ohio
  • What: The Ohio 4-H State Leadership Camp is a premier leadership development opportunity that offers participants engaging sessions in topics such as motivation, courage, teamwork, and more! While at camp, participants are actively learning AND teaching their peers!
  • Who: Teen 15-18 as of January 1, 2022 and mature 14 year olds (as determined by the county 4-H professional) who have significant leadership potential or experience in their home county’s 4-H program.
    • Camp is designed for participants to attend one time.  However, individuals may attend for 2+ years, if space is available.  Scholarship dollars are only to be used for first time in-person attendees.
  • What do they do? Participants will develop concrete peer leadership skills that will enable them to have an immediate impact in their home 4-H club, county, community, or school. Participants will leave camp ready to take on new challenges.
  • Cost: Cost is $285/person. There is funding available for a scholarship.
  • How do I attend? Contact Elliott at if you are interested in attending.

2021 Ohio State Fair Results

The results from the youth competitions that took place during the 2021 Ohio State Fair can be found here.





July Newsletter

Hello 4-H Families,

It’s the Fair Edition! That means we are getting really close to the 2021 Lucas County Fair. I can almost smell the fried foods. This newsletter has some important updates and guidelines about the Lucas County Fair along with other happenings throughout the county and state. I hope everyone has a great summer and I hope to see everyone at the Fair!



County News

Fair Non-Livestock Schedule

Fair Jr. Fair Horse Show Schedule

2021 Lucas County Fair Book

Help Needed at the 4-H Cafe!

We are still in need of volunteers to work at the 4-H Cafe during the Lucas County Fair. If you have friends and family that would like to volunteer we would love to work with them as well. If we do not find enough volunteers to staff the Cafe we will not be able to open it. The 4-H Cafe provides funds for 4-H camp scholarships and a lot of other local 4-H programs. Click the link below to sign up for any shift that works in your schedule.

Important Fair Dates

  • Lucas County Fair 7/12-7/18
  • Fair Opening Ceremonies 7/13 @4:00pm
  • 4-H Project Judging 7/7
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Judging 7/10
  • 4-H Small Animals Judging 7/10
  • 4-H Horseless Horse Judging 7/11
  • Kids Activities in the Jr. Fair Building 7/13-7/18 @2:00pm

Lucas County Fair Parade

Monday, July 12
2:00 pm – Lineup – On the fairgrounds in the parking lot near Key St by the caretaker’s cottage
3:00 pm – Parade starts – The route is throughout the fairgrounds
4:00 pm – Parade ends at the opening ceremony – As we near the opening ceremony tent, you will be directed to pull over and “park” wherever there is room.

Saddle Horse Advisory Council Ice Cream Social & Awards Presentation

 SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2021 2:00pm @ANNOUNCERS TRAILER in front of the Horse Arena

What to Bring:

  • Broncos– Bowls and ice cream toppings
  • Ropin’ Wranglers– Spoons, cones, and ice cream toppings
  • Silver Spurs– Napkins and ice cream toppings
  • Twisted Tack– Bowls, cones, and ice cream toppings

Lucas County 4-H Camp

  • When: July 22-25
  • Where: 4-H Camp Palmer, Fayette OH
  • More details:

Registration is OPEN! Open to ANY youth ages 8-14, you DO NOT have to be in 4-H to go to camp so invite your friends!

Lucas County Extension Horticulture Hotline

Have questions about plants, flowers, turf, or landscaping? Call the Lucas County Extension Horticulture Hotline and be in touch with trained professionals to diagnose your problem or answer any questions you might have about all things related to horticulture.

  • April-October, Monday-Wednesday, 10:00am-1:00pm
  • Phone: 419-578-6783
  • Email:
  • Website:
  • Facebook: @OSUExtensionLucasCounty

State News

Puerto Rico Cultural Immersion Trip

Apply to be part of the  Cultural Immersion project experience in Puerto Rico.  You will build multicultural skills and understanding, as well as an increased ability to communicate in the increasingly diverse society that we live in.  You will experience both the Old San Juan urban area as well as life in the remote mountain town of Castañer.  We will also be working with 4-H youth from Puerto Rico in joint service projects.

Teens ages 15-19 (as of date of trip) are eligible for this 8-day service-learning experience.  The cost of the experience is $500 plus airfare (est. $600).  Limited scholarship funds are also available.

Who: Teens ages 15-19 (by the date of the trip)

Where: Puerto Rico (San Juan and mountain village of Castañer)

When: November 23 – December 1, 2021

Application Deadline: August 10th, 2021

Cost: $500 plus airfare — (Approximately $600)

Contact: Steve Brady, Warren County 4-H Educator,

COVID-19 Guidance

Mask Guidance

  • Face masks are not required to be worn inside or outside at 4-H camp (day or overnight) for ALL employees AND clientele.
  • Face masks are not required to be worn inside or outside at any OSU Extension (including 4-H non-camp) programs and activities for ALL employees AND clientele.
  • Face masks are not required to be worn inside or outside at county offices for ALL employees AND clientele.
    • Face masks are strongly recommended for those who are not yet fully vaccinated (strongly recommended means the individual chooses to wear a mask or not).
    • There should be no asking about vaccination status or any sharing of vaccination status except for your own self-disclosure. In other words, you can share your vaccination status, but you are not to share anyone else’s status, even if they self-disclosed.
    • Everyone who feels more comfortable continuing to wear a mask is encouraged to do so; and there should be no stigma attached to this personal choice and no comments, questioning, or shaming of those who are wearing a mask.

All other health and safety guidance is still in effect, such as physical distancing and sanitizing.

COVID-19 vaccinations are our best current protection against infection and a fatal outcome. Fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear a face mask; however we strongly recommend eligible, but unvaccinated, individuals to continue to properly wear a face mask when social distancing cannot be maintained.

May Newsletter

Hello 4-H Families,

As we get back to some kind of normal this summer I find it exciting to think about the things we enjoy most about 4-H, SUMMER! Fair, Camp, State Fair, just to name a few of the things we can do this year. This newsletter has some important updates and guidelines to how we can get on with our summer. I hope everyone has a great summer and I hope to see everyone around the different programs this year!



County News

Lucas County 4-H Camp

  • When: July 22-25
  • Where: 4-H Camp Palmer, Fayette OH
  • More details:

Keep an eye out for registration in the coming weeks. Open to ANY youth ages 8-14, you DO NOT have to be in 4-H to go to camp so invite your friends!

Lucas County Family & Consumer Science Summer Classes

Patrice Powers-Barker, Lucas County FCS Educator, is now scheduling both virtual and in-person summer classes/seminars. Below is a list of options:

  • The Basics of Canning
  • Canning Salsa
  • Transitions for Post Pandemic Plans
  • Introduction to Mindfulness
  • Declutter Your Living Space
  • Designing a Household Spending Plan
  • Gardening as a Self Care Practice (springtime)
  • Fall Vegetable Garden (June and July)

Contact Patrice at for more information

OSU Emerging Adulthood Health Project

Lucas County Teens (age 15-24) are invited to take part in a study about their overall health. The study is entirely online and people who participate can earn up to $55 in Amazon gift cards. We of course get parent/guardian permission before enrolling minors. Participation in the cohort also makes you eligible for additional paid studies, both in person and online. Interested youth (or their parents) can take a screener survey to let us know they’re interested and see if they’re eligible. The link is also below.

Lucas County Fair Parade

The parade will line up at the Key St. entrance (map to follow) and proceed through the Fairgrounds and end up at the entertainment tent for the opening ceremony. Specific details will be provided as we get closer. The Fair will be open on Monday this year so we should have spectators to cheer you on.  All clubs/groups are encouraged to participate!

Individuals may participate – decorate your horse, cow, pig, goat, classic car, antique car, etc….

The theme this year is Race to the Finish #Fair Strong

Check out the “Forms” section at the top to download and fill out the parade form *due June 15th*

Lucas County Extension Horticulture Hotline

Have questions about plants, flowers, turf, or landscaping? Call the Lucas County Extension Horticulture Hotline and be in touch with trained professionals to diagnose your problem or answer any questions you might have about all things related to horticulture.

  • April-October, Monday-Wednesday, 10:00am-1:00pm
  • Phone: 419-578-6783
  • Email:
  • Website:
  • Facebook: @OSUExtensionLucasCounty

State News

BOGS Design A Boot Contest

Design your own @4-H boots! Enter your 4-H inspired design into the BOGS Design a Boot Contest for a chance to have your own custom art chosen and its pattern reproduced on a limited-edition @bogsfootwear boot! Learn more and submit your design by 6/1 at

Ohio State Fair Livestock Update

The 2021 Ohio State Fair Livestock department rules have been posted at:

The swine department has several rules that will be important to youth exhibiting at the 2021 Ohio State Fair. Their rules are also attached:

  • We will be a ractopamine free fair.
  • Exhibitor Affidavit for the Market Barrow Show will be required
  • Market Barrows will be required to have an 840 Tag. We prefer that they be the EID (Electronic Identification) 840 Tags but will accept non-EID this year.
    • These should be placed in the pig from the breeder they originate from, if possible, please have them placed in the RIGHT EAR.
    • If you do not have one, you will want to work with your local vet.
  • All swine must be tagged with an 840 tag.
  • All exhibitors must have a premise ID (this is based on the location the pigs were raised, so the same premise ID will cover all siblings).
  • All Market Exhibitors will be required to enter parent/guardian PQA Certification ID# at the time of entry.
    • Remember, if the parent/guardian completed this last year, they are good for 3 years and can use the certification ID# they received last year (or within 3 years)
    • If they need to be certified, an PQA trainer can enroll them in the FREE, online course (I am happy to enter those that need it,
    • All other barrows are the responsibility of the exhibitor and must be removed from the fairgrounds after the show.
    • A market is not available in 2021

For questions on these rule updates, please contact the OSF swine department at:

The Ohio State Fair Non-Livestock Update

Plans are coming together for the state level 4-H project judging July 28-August 6.  Most of the judging activities will occur in the Lausche Building, with a few being moved to the 4-H Center on campus.

Click here to view the revised judging schedule for 2021 Non-Livestock Projects.  Updates will soon be made to the guidebook pages to reflect the change in dates and include current COVID-19 restrictions.

Camp Canopy

Camp Canopy 2021 is happening June 13-18!

  • Camp Canopy is open to students who are currently finishing 8th grade through those graduating in 2021.
  • The cost of camp is $375, but there is often financial assistance  available through Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Garden and Conservation Clubs, OFA Members, Regional Woodland Interest Groups and more.
  • Camp Canopy is held at Ohio FFA Camp Muskingum, located on beautiful Leesville Lake in Carroll County Ohio.

For more information and to register visit or call the Ohio Forestry Association at 888-388-7337

Carving New Ideas

Collegiate 4-H invites you to save October 29-30-31 for a Halloween-themed Carving New Ideas at 4-H Camp Ohio. For our newer professionals, C4H hosts this overnight leadership camp for older teens. And of course, it will hinge on health regulations at the time. More details about CNI will follow later this year.

November Newsletter

Hello 4-H Families,

What a year it has been! We are finally winding down 2020 and this one will go into the record books as a year no one will forget! We are approaching one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving! This year more importantly than any other year I think it is important to be thankful for what we have. In the 4-H World I am thankful I have had the opportunity to teach youth from all over the world, one of my Field Trip Friday participants was from England! I’m also thankful for all of the wonderful 4-H families in Lucas County. Although it looked different we were one of the fortunate counties that did get to have a fair this year and we all know how important that is in 4-H. In my personal world I am thankful that I am still healthy, my family is still healthy, and my friends are still healthy. I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday, remember sometimes that ultimate giving of thanks is not always immediate, please be safe everyone!



County News

4honline 2.0

4honline 2.0 has launched! Although re-enrollment is not due until March 1 you can go into 4honline 2.0 and see what the new interface is like. It is completely different than 4honline 1.0. Enrollments are now done completely online and paper enrollments will not be accepted. Luckily Lucas County 4-H has had this policy for the past two years so it is no different than previous years. Your email and password from 4honline 1.0 should work with 4honline 2.0. If you need help with enrolling please let me know. 4-H Club Advisors: if you want to plan an enrollment night I have 10 Android Tablets and 20 iPads (coming soon) that can be checked out for clubs to use. Click here to access 4honline 2.0

Youth Entrepreneurship SPIN Club

Calling all future business owners! It’s never too early to learn about being your own boss. Coming soon in December Lucas County 4-H and Franklin County 4-H are hosting a youth entrepreneurship club. Learn about how to start your own business, channel your passions in creating a company, and collaborate with like minded peers in an online environment. We are going to be hosting a morning session and an afternoon session. Both sessions will be the same but we wanted to offer two times for maximum flexibility. The link below will take you to the registration page where you can choose between morning or afternoon.

New Sign at 4-H Camp Palmer

Adding an esthetic appeal to the entrance of camp is a new sign that welcomes camp guests. Gary Beaverson, owner of Metal Methods Manufacturing, Morenci Michigan designed and created the metal, powder coated sign for camp.  Gary also donated the sign which is mounted on a sturdy frame constructed out of barn siding. He also provided the boom truck to install the sign. The barn siding was donated by Jake & Kayla Holland, Delta. We want to thank Gary, Jake and Kayla for their generosity towards camp.


4-H Project Books

Its that time of year where we start thinking about the different projects available to take in 4-H (there are over 250 different projects!). If you haven’t looked at it already you can check out all of the project books from this website You can also directly order your books from that website and have them delivered to your house. Extension Publications has also been gracious enough this year to send every 4-H family a copy of the 2021 4-H Family Guide. You should be getting your copy in the mail shortly. There are a several different ways to obtain 4-H Project books this year:

  • Download one for free. Select from a dozen popular titles in the Perfect Stay-at-Home Projects collection. Click on the book you want, and when the file opens on your screen, save or print it from there. This year, a selection of 4‑H Cloverbud activities is available too. (For accessible formats of these publications, visit
  • Order and pick up project books in your county office. If you would rather purchase a printed copy of a Perfect Stay-at-Home Project or any other project book, check with your club advisor and county educator. Ohio residents get the best price on printed books when they order and pick up their purchases through local Extension offices.
  • Buy one online. Like last year, you also can order directly from Ohio residents receive free shipping on orders of $20 or more with the coupon FREE2021. Books cost slightly more this way, but orders can be shipped directly to any Ohio address. There is no restriction on the number of times a coupon can be used.  See our printable Ordering Is Easy instructions. Please review your order carefully. Extension Publishing is not able to accept returns.

Important Dates

4-H Advisor Training (required for all club advisors and volunteers)- January 18, 2021 at 6:00pm online

Quality Assurance (required for all youth taking livestock projects)- March 20, 2021 at 10:00am online

Re-Enrollment is Due March 1 2021 and new enrollment is due April 1 2021

4-H Camp Counselor Applications (now online!) are due January 31 2021- Apply here

Lucas County 4-H Camp is July 22, 2021- July 25, 2021

State News

2020 Ohio 4-H Awards Recognition Event

Join us to honor the 2020 Volunteer Awards, Hall of Fame inductees, Tenure Milestones, and Teen of the Year and the Teen Hall of Fame inductees we were unable to recognized at the Ohio 4-H Conference originally scheduled for March 2020.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 7:00 p.m., held virtually
Register by November 28 at

State 4-H Leadership Camp

  • Date: June 1-5, 2021 (check in at 2:00 p.m.; Dismissal at 10:30 a.m.).  Full time attendance is required.
  • Location: 4-H Camp Ohio, St. Louisville, Ohio
  • What: The Ohio 4-H State Leadership Camp is a premier leadership development opportunity that offers participants engaging sessions in topics such as motivation, courage, teamwork, and more! While at camp, participants are actively learning AND teaching their peers!
  • Who: Teen 15-18 as of January 1, 2021 and mature 14 year olds (as determined by the county 4-H professional) who have significant leadership potential or experience in their home county’s 4-H program.
    • Camp is designed for participants to attend one time.  However, individuals may attend for 2+ years, if space is available.  Scholarship dollars are only to be used for first time in-person attendees.  Contact Hannah for this opportunity.
    • Individuals who attended virtually in 2020 are still eligible to attend and utilize sponsorship dollars in 2021.
  • What do they do? Participants will develop concrete peer leadership skills that will enable them to have an immediate impact in their home 4-H club, county, community, or school. Participants will leave camp ready to take on new challenges.
  • Cost: Counties have a credit thanks to Nationwide, Farm Credit Mid America, and the Dorothy L. Miller 4-H Leadership Camp Endowment Fund.  This amount can be used for an entire campership, or divided among participants. Each county is allotted $475 (in 2021).  Cost is $280/person.

Contact Elliott before March 15th for more details or if you are interested in being nominated.



May Newsletter

Hello 4-H Families,

It seems likes years have passed since the last newsletter but it has only been 5 months. A lot has changed in the way we live our lives in those 5 months but one strong shoulder to lean on is our 4-H community. We have created, adapted, and overcome so many challenges in such a short amount of time and I am personally proud of everyone. As we make changes that bring up difficulties in our life one thing we have to remember is the safety of ourselves, our families, and each other. This time in our lives is like that one chapter in your favorite book that is not quite as good as the other ones but you have to read through it in order to figure out what goes on next. I encourage everyone to keep reading and turn the page like tomorrow is going to be better.



County News

Calling all Seniors!

We want to honor all of our seniors this year at the Lucas County Fair in the Baby Barn. We would like all of the 2020 Seniors to email or mail Sue Stram at a picture of you as a baby, a picture of your when you first started 4-H and then a picture of you right now (this can be either a senior picture of a picture of you working on your 4-H project). Please include your name and 4-H club you are a member of. If you prefer to mail the pictures here is the address: Susan Stram, 6925 Jeffers Rd. Whitehouse OH 43571

Another Senior Moment

The Lucas County Fair is taking applications for the 2020 Fair King and Queen. Any male or female, aged 16 to 18 as of January 1 of the year of the competition is eligible to
compete. Participants must be a member of 4-H, FFA, FCCLA, DECA, Boy Scouts, or Girl Scouts who believe their involvement in the Lucas Co. Jr. Fair program, community, and leadership endeavor warrants recognition as a model Jr. Fair participant. Applicants must be currently involved in the Jr. Fair program, be unmarried nor have been married, not have born or fathered any children. Once crowned King or Queen you are ineligible for future competition. Check out for more details. Due June 1st!

Field Trip Friday

Join me every Friday to explore a new place on Earth (and sometimes not on Earth). It’s #FieldTripFriday !!!! We have taking a new virtual field trip since March 27, they’re educational, entertaining, and fun! We have gone to the International Space Station, swam in the Great Barrier Reef, visited national museums, and boarded famous military ships all from the comfort of your own home. If you want to check out all of the trips we have taken visit to view the archived field trips. If you want to join us live we meet every Friday at 3:00pm. Click here to join us on Friday.

Mini Garden Project

Open to any youth AGES 8-18 (You DO NOT need to be a member of 4-H)
Have you ever had an interest in gardening but did not know where to start? The 4-H Mini Garden project is just the right choice. Chose from a marigold plant or a tomato plant to grow yourself! The 4-H Mini Garden project is a great opportunity to learn the basics of growing without having to buy a plant! That’s right, the plants are free for anyone taking the project! Contact Elliott at for more details. Check out Extension’s gardening resources here:

4-H Camp Palmer Buckeye Funder

Take a moment and recall one of your most favorite memories of 4-H. For many of us, those memories are vivd with the sounds and smells (good and BAD!) of 4-H camp. From camp songs, to “warm fuzzies:, counselors skits, and vespers, those summer days and nights helped us to grow and become who we are today. We want to be sure those opportunities are there for kids next year and many years to come.

We all have acknowledged our own sadness as a result of camps being cancelled this summer, but our 4-H’ers have proven to be resilient and encouraging considering this decision. Protecting our 4-H family of youth, volunteers and staff is our absolute number one priority and we know that this was the right decision to keep everyone safe during these challenging times. As a result of these camp closures, the loss of income is hitting these camps hard. To keep camp fees down, most camps run on a very strict and tight budget with little room to withstand substantial losses such as they are experiencing this year. Collectively across the state, Ohio 4-H camps will lose $1.1 million dollars in revenue.

Please stand with us in support of Ohio 4-H camps. We are anxious to welcome everyone back next year but know that the ability to continue operations is uncertain. Please give today and invest in camp to help grow true leaders for tomorrow.

State News

Ohio 4-H Camp(ish)

Calling all stay-at-home campers! Ohio 4-H staff miss summer camp as much as you do, and we want to do what we can to bring elements of camp to your home! On June 9-11, you are invited to join us for Ohio 4-H Camp…ish! It is open to any youth ages 8-18 across the state of Ohio. Friends who are not in 4-H are welcome to register, too! There is no cost for attending, although some activities will require the use of basic art supplies, household items, or things found outdoors. Please visit to register by June 7! Activities will be hosted at the following times each day: 9-11 AM, 1-3 PM, 4-5 PM. Campers are not required to attend all sessions, so sign up and come for the times you can enjoy Camp…ish activities brought to you by Ohio 4-H Camp…ish Directors!

Ohio 4-H Computer Science Virtual SPIN Club

Come join us and learn about the basics of coding, computer technology, and software. If you enjoy exploring computers or apps then you’ll love learning in this totally virtual environment with people your own age. Learn about hacking, coding, computational thinking, and more!


Location: ONLNE! Click below to join

Cost: FREE!

Details: Open to ANY youth in grades 3-6.

Contact information: Elliott Lawrence, Lucas County, or Mark Light, Hardin County,

Ohio 4-H Small Garden Virtual SPIN Club

Have fun in this virtual 4-H Special Interest SPIN Club learning how to make small gardens from easy to find items. Activities include seed starting, seed bombs, re-purposing containers for the garden, herb and pizza gardens, terrariums, succulents, garden art, imagination gardens, and more!

Every Tuesday at 3:30-4:30pm from May 28 to July 9

Location: ONLNE! Register at

Cost: FREE!

Details: Open to ANY youth grades 3-12. Limited to the first 25 to enroll

Contact information: Sue Hogan, Franklin County,


January Newsletter

Hello 4-H Families!

As we are deep into the winter months we can always thing about warm summer days that are ahead of us. Check out all of the activities and opportunities that are below in this quarter’s newsletter.

County 4-H News

Toledo Walleye 4-H Night

Join the Toledo Walleye on Sunday, February 16

Tickets are just $17 each for all 4-H clubs

To purchase tickets as a group, contact Rita Natter at 419-725-9258 or

4-H Club Officer Training

Are you new to being a club officer or do you want to learn more about being and officer? Come to our 2nd annual Lucas County 4-H Club Officer Training.

Open to all ages

When: February 19th from 6:00pm-8:00pm

Where: First Baptist Church of Greater Toledo, 6520 Pilliod Rd, Holland, OH 43528

Lucas County 4-H President’s Circle Meeting

If you are a new club president or a past club president then you are invited to our second President’s Circle Meeting. This leadership club is an opportunity for 4-H youth to learn about team building skills, leadership skills, workforce development, and belonging. We are going to partner with area businesses and tour their facilities to learn about jobs and careers in the area. This is also a great opportunity to provide assistance to the Extension office and networking.

2020 Lucas County 4-H Camp

Registration is now open for the 2020 Lucas County 4-H Camp. Camp this year is July 23-July 26 at the beautiful and scenic 4-H Camp Palmer in Northern Fulton County. You DO NOT have to be a 4-H member to attend camp so invite your friends! Check out our website for more details

Lucas County Fair Junior Fairboard

The Lucas County Fair Junior Fairboard is now meeting. We meet every month on the second Thursday from 6:30pm-7:30pm at the Lucas County Fairgrounds in the 4-H Clubroom. Each club should have 2 representitives  over the age of 11. If you are interested in joining Junior Fairboard join us at our next meeting February 13th.

Volunteers in the Know Regional 4-H Advisor Training

The Maumee Valley Extension Education Research Area is having our annual 4-H Advisor Training on February 25th from 6:30pm-8:30pm at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Stryker Ohio located at 23120 US Highway 6, Stryker, OH 43557. Registration starts at 6:00pm. There is no pre-registration required. Snacks will be provided. This is a great opportunity to learn about what other 4-H programs are doing through Northwest Ohio and also networking with other 4-H Advisors.

Livestock Quality Assurance Training

This is a requirement for 4-H youth that are taking livestock to the fair. This training is held on March 21st from 10:00am-12:00pm at the Monclova Road Baptist Church located 7819 Monclova Rd, Monclova, OH 43542. Pre-registration is not required. If you cannot attend this training you must attend another training in another county. Lucas County 4-H is only offering one training. An updated list of all QA Trainings in the state will be uploaded to once I have the updated list from the State 4-H Animal Sciences Department.

Christopher T. Norman Scholarship

Christopher T. Norman was an outstanding Huron County 4-H member who went to work with the Farm Bureau in northwest Ohio.  He touched many lives in Ashland, Defiance, Erie, Fulton, Henry, Huron, Lorain, Lucas, Ottawa, Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, Williams and Wood counties.  He died an untimely death on March 18, 2000.

His family set up a Memorial Scholarship Fund in Chris’s name.  Lucas county is one of the counties included in the scholarship.   High School Seniors are encouraged to fill out an application. If you would like an application or you have any questions, please contact Bonnie Malone at

Lucas County 4-H Scholarship

The Lucas County 4-H Scholarship has to be completed to be considered for the following trips and opportunities: (DUE MARCH 11TH)

  • Ohio 4-H Leadership Camp
  • Sea Camp
  • National 4-H Dairy Conference
  • 4-H Citizenship Washington Focus
  • 4-H Leadership Washington Focus
  • Space Adventures Camp

The scholarship form must be filled out even if you are not asking for help funding. These opportunities are a chance to represent Lucas County 4-H and we want the best of the best to represent our county. The scholarship form can be found at


State 4-H News

State 4-H Achievement Records are DUE FEBRUARY 11TH

Go to for more details including how to fill out an achievement record.

Ohio Sea Camp

Ohio 4-H Sea Camp invites teens age 15-17 (as of camp) from across Ohio to “get your feet wet” as you learn about one of Ohio’s most important resources: Lake Erie! You’ll be in, on, and around the water as you explore the science of the lake, learn marine related skills, and discover the history and recreational uses of our great lake.

For more information and to register go to

State 4-H Plowboy Prom

“The Captivating Carnival” A night of line dancing, square dancing, snacks and fun with other 4-Hers. The Ohio State University Collegiate 4-H Club hosts this fun and entertaining evening for 4-H youth throughout the state. This year it is on March 14 starting at 6:00pm at the Ohio 4-H Center located at 2201 Fred Taylor Drive Columbus OH 43210. Admission is $5. 4-H Alumni are welcome as well!

2020 National 4-H Beekeeping Essay Competition

Contact: Molly Sausaman, Executive Director, 404-760-2875,

2020 Essay Topic: Overwintering: Bee Survival through the Cold Season

Honey bees have developed special skills to overwinter in the United States. Please discuss one of these skills and then include a discussion about what you do to prepare your hives for winter. Include a photo of one of your hives, either using infrared technology or showing winter wrap, hay bales, special feeders, etc. to demonstrate how you prepare your hives for winter.

Submission Deadline: April 1, 2020

Please visit for the full details.

For the full calendar of Lucas County Events

Or click on “4-H Event Calendar” on the tab at the top of this page




October Newsletter

Hello 4-H Families!

Summer is officially over and we are reaching the end of National 4-H Week. I hope that all of your summer plans went well and now you are in the midst of school counting down the days until Winter Break. This past summer was a great year for Lucas County 4-H. We are continuing to grow and we had the most club booths represented at the fair since I have been the Educator in Lucas County. I am very proud of all of the youth that participated in the fair and all of the volunteers that put so much time and effort into making the fair a great place. We have a few great opportunities for you in the next few months.

Happy Fall!


4-H Super Saturday

This brand new program is coming up in the end of October on October 26th from 9:00am to 12:00pm at the Lucas County Fairgrounds in the 4-H Clubroom. Registration will start at 8:45am and it is open to any youth (you DO NOT have to be in 4-H attend) ages 8-18. We will have hands-on activities lead by community members with a passion for teaching youth about their activity. There will be six stations where the youth will rotate through getting an opportunity to explore many different 4-H project areas they might not be familiar with. The stations include:

  • Photography
  • Geology
  • Woodworking
  • Grilling
  • Gardening
  • Rocketry

The cost is only $5 to cover the cost of the supplies. If you are a 4-H member and you bring a friend that is not a 4-H member then the friend and you both get in for free! The goal of this program is to introduce 4-H members and non 4-H members the many different projects 4-H has to offer. There are over 250 different projects available to take. I hope to see you on the 26th!

Lucas County 4-H President’s Circle

This new exciting opportunity for older youth is a one of a kind program gives a chance for youth to gain leadership skills, meet new friends, and make connections to people in the community. Our first meeting is going to be October 28th at 6:00pm in the 4-H Clubroom at the Lucas County Fairgrounds. This month we will be learning about leadership skills and how all leaders bring different aspects to the table. We are going to meet quarterly and is only open to past and current club presidents.

State News

Tractor Supply Company Discount Day!

Be sure to visit TSC on October 5 (that’s tomorrow!) for 4-H & FFA Discount Day. Take this flyer and receive 20% off apparel, 10% off feed and some other great deals!

Next up: TSC Fall Paper Clover program, October 9-20

Toledo Walleye 4-H Night

The Toledo Walleye are kicking off a new season on November 2nd! Last year we set many new fan attendance records, including selling out 31 of 36 home games and a new total overall regular season of 280,170 fans! Many 4-H Clubs were included in those remarkable records when they helped us celebrate 4-H Night at the Huntington Center.

The Toledo Walleye will be hosting the 3rd annual 4-H Night this year! We are excited to welcome guest speakers from the Ag industry to speak to 4-H clubs. Last year’s speakers included a representative from The Andersons and the Toledo Mud Hens grounds crew manager.

This year the event will be hosted on Sunday, February 16th – President’s day weekend! We are now taking reservations to hold your club’s seats to this sold out game.

Contact Rita Natter to reserve your club’s seats: or 419-725-9258

Great Lakes Apple Crunch

Have you registered for the 6th annual Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch yet? Don’t miss the opportunity for your 4H club to “crunch” into Ohio grown apples to celebrate National Farm to School Month, healthy eating and local farmers in October. Learn more and register for FREE!

Why register? When you register you will receive an updated copy of the Crunch Guide with tips on where to get local apples and how to celebrate the Great Apple Crunch. Your event will also be counted to help us meet the goal of 1.6 MILLION CRUNCHES this year! Register here!

Beekeeping Scholarship

The Ohio State Beekeeper’s Association is once again offering scholarships to all Ohio 4-H members that would like to start into beekeeping. This scholarship is from the Ohio State Beekeepers Association. You can download the forms at You can also find more details at Ohio State Beekeepers Association