

phil_wardPhillip Ward Ph.D. Leads the Learning to teach physical education research program.  He is a professor of Physical Education/Kinesiology in the Department of Human Sciences at Ohio State. Email:   His personal web site address is:
Ohio State Faculty Co-investigators
Weidong LiWeidong Li Ph.D. is a co-investigator on the Badminton Content Knowledge Study (BACKS and BACKS II) projects. He is an associate professor of Kinesiology in the Department of Human Sciences at Ohio State.
Affiliated Co-investigators
Bomna KoBomna Ko Ph.D. is a co-investigator on the BACKS, BACKS II, VECKS and MICPTP projects. She is an assistant professor of Physical Education in the Department of Kinesiology at East Carolina State University. Email:

Emi Tsuda is a team member leading several content knowledge projects in physical education teacher education in Japan and the USA. She is an assistant professor at West Virginia University Email:

erhan devrilmez 1Erhan Devrilmez is conducting a project related to BACKS at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey for his dissertation.
Fatih DerventFatih Dervent, Ph.D. is a co-investigator on the MICPTP project and the lead investigator on the Intercultural Research project. He is an assistant professor in physical education at Marmara University in Turkey. Email:
Insook KimInsook Kim Ph.D. is a co-investigator on the ICKS, BACKS, BACKS II, & VECKS projects. She is an assistant professor of Physical Education in the College of Education Health and Human Services at Kent State University. Email:
Jihyun LeeJihyun Lee Ph.D. is a co-investigator on the VECKS project. She is an assistant professor of Physical Education in the Department of Kinesiology at Sam Houston State University. Email:
Jim ResslerJim Ressler Ph.D.  is a co-investigator on the VECKS project. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education at Northern Illinois University. Email:
Jose_SantiagoJose Santiago. Ph.D. is a co-investigator on the VECKS project. He is an assistant professor of Physical Education in the Department of Health and Kinesiology at Sam Houston State University. Email:  jas083@SHSU.EDU
Kyuil Cho is a graduate student at The Ohio State University. He has worked on several content knowledge projects and is conducting his dissertation on practice-based teacher education projects. Email:
Matt Curtner-SmithMatt Curtner-Smith Ph.D. is a co-investigator on the BACKS and BACKS II projects. He is a professor of Sport Pedagogy, and Chair of the department of Kinesiology in the University of Alabama. Email:
Oleg SinelnikovOleg Sinelnikov Ph.D. is a co-investigator on the BACKS and BACKS II projects. He is an associate professor of Sport Pedagogy, in the Department of Kinesiology in the University of Alabama. Email:
Paul StuhrPaul Stuhr Ph.D. is a co-investigator on the VECKS project. He is an associate professor of Sport Pedagogy, in the Department of Kinesiology in California State University San Marcos. Email:
Peter IserbytPeter Iserbyt Ph.D. is a co-investigator on the BACKS II project and a PI on several projects conducted in Belgium. He is an assistant professor of Physical Education, in the Department at KU Leuven in Belgium. Email:
Scott Trainer. is a graduate student at The Ohio State University. He is a research team member on several practice-based teacher education projects. Email: Trainer, Scott W.
Seung Ho ChangSeung Ho Chang Ph.D. is a co-investigator on the VECKS project. He is a visiting professor of Physical Education in the Department of Kinesiology at Sam Houston State University. Email:
Shiri AyvazoShiri Ayvazo Ph.D. conducted the first research study in the program and has been a consultant on BACKS and the research program. She is with the Behavioral Disorders Program, David Yellin College, Israel. Email:
Wonseok Chey is a graduate student at The Ohio State University. He is a research team member on content knowledge and practice-based teacher education projects. Email:
Xiuye Xie is a team member leading several projects on practice based teacher education in physical education teacher education. She is an assistant professor at Missouri State University Email:
Yaohui He has conducted several content knowledge studies in PETE and teaching. She is an assistant professor at East China Normal University. Email:
Yun Soo LeeYun Soo Lee Ph.D. is a co-investigator on the ICKS, MICPTP, & VECKS projects. He is an assistant professor of Physical Education Department of Physical Education at Dankook University, South Korea. Email: