iPad Training Connects Math Coaches Around Ohio

for blogWe were first contacted in February by Cheryl Johnson, the program manager of the Mathematics Coaching Program (MCP) through the College of Education and Human Ecology here at the Ohio State University. The MCP program works to aid teachers around the state of Ohio and beyond in reaching math teachers in public high schools and enriching curricular and academic performance. The sheer scale of and distance involved in the program require a great deal of remote communication and collaboration, hence the program’s decision to implement iPads as devices that coaches can use on the job, regardless of location, to take notes, create documents, complete files, and fulfill program needs while traveling throughout schools.



Our first session with the coaches was intended to take place in person but was countered by one of Ohio’s wintry days, hence we took the workshop live online via Carmen Connect. Our second training workshop took place on April 10th in Worthington, Ohio. Kevin Kula, instructional designer with ODEE’s Learning Technology Team, and I will meet with the group one more time later this month to walk through a variety of applications. As the coaches transition the iPad program into the classrooms in the fall, they’ll be utilizing a variety of applications to take notes, document teacher lessons, sketch out equations and geometrical concepts, and create collaborative resources for educators statewide.


Interested in learning more about iPad productivity or how it could be implemented for educational purposes? Looking for a departmental training opportunity? Contact Kevin Kula (kula.8@osu.edu; @KulaOSU) or Tara Koger (koger.13@osu.edu, @TaraOSUTech).

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