
Global Awareness: To me, global awareness is about using the resources and opportunities that I have to help the world in whatever way I can. I applied to the Global Brigades medical trip to Nicaragua in May that I learned about through Bio Sci Scholars and I will find out shortly if I get to go on the trip. But, global awareness doesn’t have to be as large-scale as traveling to another country. It can be as simple as going to events hosted by the multicultural center such as how I plan on going to Diwali with my roommate this week.  Exposing oneself to different cultures, ideas, and religions is the key to understanding others and can make one more open-minded.
Original Inquiry: This topic is all about creativity and applying what you learn from the classroom in a real-life setting. For example, in Chemistry 1620 next semester there is an opportunity for a semester-long research study that will help build skills in this area. I plan on getting involved with research my sophomore or junior year as well through reading what various chemistry professors are working on and e-mailing them to try and join their team.
Academic Enrichment: To enrich myself as a learner, I plan on taking honors levels classes once I get into upper-level coursework for chemistry. Besides that, I plan on adding on the pre-med track to push myself and see if I can get into medical school. This also includes things like doing career eat and explores with the Bio Sci program.
Leadership Development: In terms of leadership, I want to join clubs that have a focus on building skills related to leadership. Scholars already pushes me to join organizations that will benefit me in this way.
Service Engagement: As a Scholars student, I am already required to have 10 service hours per semester but I want to go above and beyond what is expected of me. I plan on volunteering at a hospital in the future or joining Circle K, which is the collegiate version of the service club I was in during high school.