Tips from The Yard: Let’s Discuss Tomatoes

In this Tips from the Yard let’s discuss arguably the most popular plant in the garden.  For the rest of this article let’s agree tomatoes are a vegetable.  We all recognize they are the most popular garden vegetable.  It can be part of a huge garden or the only garden plant in the yard.

The first issue; were seeds started 6-8 weeks before the last frost date?  If not, check out seedlings from a garden center or nursery; even mail order these days.  There are lots of sizes, shapes, colors, and flavors. Heirloom or hybrid.  One point to remember, heirloom varieties will not be resistant to verticillium and/or fusarium wilts.  These soil borne diseases can wipe out a crop quickly. A variety of types which carry the VF designation will ensure even if the diseases are found in the soil the varieties will withstand the diseases. Continue reading Tips from The Yard: Let’s Discuss Tomatoes